18 U.S. Code § 6002 – 3



No sane person wants to live on planet of the apes
Nov 30, 2013
Change a misdomeaner to a felony like the DA in NY to charge Trump, no problem. Good to see Gaetz throw a wrench in Trump's indictment.

Congressional immunity only applies to Congresspeople, and only when they are in office, and doesn't protect from felony charges....

Trump has to face the music, all these desperation attempts aren't doing anything but making him look scared. If he is slam dunk not guilty he should be walking into the court room and daring the prosecutor to show his cards. Trump is hiding and calling in any favor he can to protect himself. aka he is a politician, not this joe-everyman outsider his defenders want him to be. he has become the swamp.
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Congressional immunity only applies to Congresspeople, and only when they are in office, and doesn't protect from felony charges....

Trump has to face the music, all these desperation attempts aren't doing anything but making him look scared. If he is slam dunk not guilty he should be walking into the court room and daring the prosecutor to show his cards. Trump is hiding and calling in any favor he can to protect himself. aka he is a politician, not this joe-everyman outsider his defenders want him to be. he has become the swamp.
Gaetz knows something and even if he is wrong do it anyway. Gum up the works and delay, make a Judge decide. You can say it doesn't apply or it won't work, that is not the point, the point is to fight these communists
Change a misdomeaner to a felony like the DA in NY to charge Trump, no problem. Good to see Gaetz throw a wrench in Trump's indictment.

Are you suggesting that Congress weaponize their positions to interfere with justice?

They are legislative, not judicial. Mat Gaetz is a moron looking to score some airtime during the clown show.
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Are you suggesting that Congress weaponize their positions to interfere with justice?

They are legislative, not judicial. Mat Gaetz is a moron looking to score some airtime during the clown show.
Turn the lawfare tables on them
Gaetz knows something and even if he is wrong do it anyway. Gum up the works and delay, make a Judge decide. You can say it doesn't apply or it won't work, that is not the point, the point is to fight these communists
so fight them in the actual courts with actual arguments....

so far its been the boy who cried wolf with the Dems and Trump. Each time it was the same rhetoric, "well its never gone this far before, so really we got him this time." and it falls flat on its face.

you don't fight communism with communism, its really more banana republic stuff than communism to be fair. if you want to argue that he is the defender of our Republic I would expect him to follow and uphold the rules/laws of that republic. creating his own mini-banana republic status is not the way to actually go about it.

and Gaetz may know that, but he also knows he is throwing out red meat to his followers; and he doesn't care one bit the damage he is doing to our republic.
so fight them in the actual courts with actual arguments....

so far its been the boy who cried wolf with the Dems and Trump. Each time it was the same rhetoric, "well its never gone this far before, so really we got him this time." and it falls flat on its face.

you don't fight communism with communism, its really more banana republic stuff than communism to be fair. if you want to argue that he is the defender of our Republic I would expect him to follow and uphold the rules/laws of that republic. creating his own mini-banana republic status is not the way to actually go about it.

and Gaetz may know that, but he also knows he is throwing out red meat to his followers; and he doesn't care one bit the damage he is doing to our republic.
Adopt "Whatever it takes" and screw playing the band while the Titanic sinks
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so instead of avoiding the iceberg, your plan is to speed up the sinking of the US by having both sides drop the law of the land?

all over Donald effing Trump, I freaking hate this time line.
When one side drops the Law of the land and threatens our Republic you have to answer with greater force, not lay down and take it.
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That's not a workable strategy.
Not workable if you don't try. Look at all the moves the communists made that most thought were not workable

Make them prove it is not viable, don't lay down
When one side drops the Law of the land and threatens our Republic you have to answer with greater force, not lay down and take it.
uh, no. that is how you get a Banana Republic, or worse your dreaded communism.

you fight it by using and upholding the actual standards of the Republic. But it sounds like you don't believe in the Republic anymore and just want to see your preferred dictator in charge. March onwards comrade.
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uh, no. that is how you get a Banana Republic, or worse your dreaded communism.

you fight it by using and upholding the actual standards of the Republic. But it sounds like you don't believe in the Republic anymore and just want to see your preferred dictator in charge. March onwards comrade.
I accept your willingness to do nothing for fear of losing our Republic. Like martial law suspends the COTUS, we need effective action and not acquiesce in what is clearly a time of war.
uh, no. that is how you get a Banana Republic, or worse your dreaded communism.

you fight it by using and upholding the actual standards of the Republic. But it sounds like you don't believe in the Republic anymore and just want to see your preferred dictator in charge. March onwards comrade.
I could get behind anyone who is taking action, any examples?
When one side drops the Law of the land and threatens our Republic you have to answer with greater force, not lay down and take it.

Th irony of you crying about the federal LAW indictments as a "dropping of law of the land" isn't lost.

Your panic is starting to really gather steam.
When one side drops the Law of the land and threatens our Republic you have to answer with greater force, not lay down and take it.

You're just babbling nonsensically, dude, in that MAGA way. MAGA people want to throw blacks in prison for jaywalking but
because a Republican gangster once stunk up the White House they're A-OK with him trying to subvert America's democracy
and attacking the U.S. Capitol. Oh, my: The stench of rube hypocrisy is heavy. We have laws, they apply to everybody. It's not like
the Dems pulled some legal technicalities out of a hat; the gangster's unlawful and seditious actions were plain to see. Same with the classified
documents--which will be a slam-dunk conviction unless the gangster-appointed judge bails him out. The gangster thinks he's above the law. Nobody is above the law. Understand that simple concept.

And the response of most Republicans to the gangster's appalling and illegal behavior has been beyond disgraceful. Country should come before
party--but not to the crazies in the GOP these days. Liz Cheney is one of the few Republicans with the personal integrity to see and denounce the gangster for what he is and what he's done. Pence is finally speaking out after acting like a milquetoast for months. We had a president who nearly endangered the life of his vice president because the vp wouldn't violate the constitution. And MAGA's response is, "we see nothing." Pull your politicized head out of your backside.
Hyperbole aside, during the J6 trials Nadler told Pelosi her moves to limit cross examination by defendants counsel were unconstitutional. That's what we are up against
Th irony of you crying about the federal LAW indictments as a "dropping of law of the land" isn't lost.

Your panic is starting to really gather steam.
Fight fire with fire, you know-burn it all down
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Fight fire with fire, you know-burn it all down

The right isn't trying with Hunter and Joe?

Really, it sounds like sour grapes that the your flavor isn't as good at it.

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