#FakeNews lollllll Mr. 205 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Breaker It's unreal and don't forget that Byrd was gonna be this all world Wr so he is not getting to be one of you better Dbs and has seen his playing time decimate this year so bad he's been placed on a milk carton. Also man Jumper, Josh, and Dormady are Butch's guys they'll continue to play. If DKJ were to play Sapp or A. Smith will get purged. I swear this is like HS football in a rich county unreal I swear. I spoke with a prominent donor in Hendersonville last night he said tickets cancelled and no more donations. This is how it all starts, so I'm sure Currie will feel the temperature and climate and make a change. I heard Crockett and Hand have said the exact same thing but directly to Currie. Feeling very Dooleyesq around here
If you was to hire the next head coach who would it be and why?