2 beers per week

Breaking News: alcohol is bad for you. Some people are mad that a biden official said so. Film at 11.
(Just to clarify: I enjoy bourbon and beer... but not as much as bacon).

Bacon comes from pigs... pig poop creates methane... methane is a greenhouse gas...

Hence, you are a climate destroyer.

(Thank you, Mad Max)
Vets tell horse owners to give their horses beer to help them sweat. I now identify as a horse!

In all seriousness, I have a nice bourbon collection that rarely gets touched. Only have a small pour from time to time. Probably will end up selling my really nice bottles eventually. Occasional glass of wine with dinner, only one, and no more than one beer as it makes feel bloated. I go days or weeks without consuming anything and I just feel better, plus I’m getting old. Even a small amount tends to disrupt my sleep unless I have it late afternoon, early evening…followed by water the rest of the evening. Later at night is an absolute no go.
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Remember when the USDA recommended 2x - 3.5x as many grains as vegetables? At least this is a healthy recommendation.
Remember when the USDA recommended 2x - 3.5x as many grains as vegetables? At least this is a healthy recommendation.

The SAD was created by a guy named Ancel Keys. He also invented the k-ration. He took data from countries all over the world, threw out all the data points that didn't support his notion of a good diet, and that led to the food pyramid. It was all BS.
If you are over the age of 25 and still drink alcohol you need to grow up.

The guy who flings insults on a message board telling people to grow up 🤣🤣🤣

And before your dumb ass comes back with "you fling insults too!" I'm not the one throwing my 2 cents in on anyone's level of maturity like a little titty sucker.
I don’t drink beer, so who wants my ration? Better yet, what are they worth to you? No low ball offers, I know what I got.
My brother's doctor recommended he drink one beer a day. So there's that.
My family does New Year's resolutions every year and then reads them aloud on New Year's Eve at the end of the year.
So......I've been drinking when I write them and when they are read.
For about 15 years now, one of my New Year's resolutions is to drink at least one beer x% of the days. I started at 70% and go up one percent every year. So this year.............85%. It's always a resolution I meet.
(The vast majority of those days is one beer)
This Sat. will not be one of those one beer days!!!

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