I'm hoping he blows up this year, not just because I'm a fan of Tennessee football either. Joe is a true leader. I have watched college football for 37 years, I dont think I have EVER seen a college kid handle a demotion as gracefully and professionally as Joe Milton has. Especially in this day and age with kids transferring left and right. Joe kept his head down, supported his brothers at every turn including the guy he lost his job to, and never once complained or made anything about him. He has waited his turn and if he plays to his potential he has a chance to explode this year and make alot of money in April. He has every physical gift you could want in a QB, but he is an even better leader and person. Whether he makes it in the NFL or not, he will be successful in life with his leadership and maturity. We are really lucky to have him, hopefully it all translates to the field next year and everyone gets to see the payoff.