I noticed that the Bell kid is from Wichita, KS. Maybe BB can help in landing him. I don't know much about him though. Is the kid good?
Seems like Heaps has a lot of momentum around here, but Blake has a Peyton-like frame (6-6, 235, by graduation, but don't know about the 'laser rocket arm' part PM has yet).
Anyone know why we havent offered OT Brent Benedict or OT Andrew Rodriguez?
They are both named in the same category as Seantrel Henderson in that they are athletic freaks...
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AMP: 2010 "physical freaks" @ Rivals Video
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Tight End Blake Barker offered.
Gators, Vols offer tight end
no. 215 in rivals 250. By the way great job on this so far.
Although QB's tend to commit early and the coaching staff will (or already have) spotted tendencies and things they favor in one recruit over another, I think most of us will still start needing a little more senior year footage to grasp what these guys are really going to be like as college players.
From watching both these guys, I think both will be solid prospects. I am actually favoring Bell right now after watching video.
I've seen very little video of Bell, but I got to say I favor him slightly ahead of Heaps. Bell's size allows him proper down field vision, I've just yet to see him throw deep to gauge his arm. He's big and seems to run pretty well with the ball. The main reason I like Bell is his grip on the ball, he holds it low and protects it during his throws. Heaps holds the ball a little higher and that might cause problems with strips. Now that could still be coached, but if its a natural tendency then it still might be a problem to work on. Right now I lean towards Bell, but I'd like to see more of both to be honest.