7-Vandy. The Harvard of the South has similar football talent to the Scarlet Knights. On a good note: The dores' fans won't be so noisy in their obnoxious repartee with most losses being expected.
6-USCe. The old balls coach will go down in history as a true offensive genius. His systems thrived when he had superior talent, speed and a deep roster of players, all who possessed high football IQs. He also had an innovative defensive guru keeping his fun 'n gun offense on the field. With these pieces in place, he was nearly impossible to beat. Sadly for my friends in Columbia, in 2015 CSS is woefully short of much of the above. Poor chickens. It's going to be gloomy around Columbia.
5-UK. Stoops should be a step closer to making the cats relevant; thus a notch up in the rankings. Although the SEC's such a hard row to hoe, maybe only their uniforms will be blue at season's end due to (finally) a bowl game finale.
4-Floor duh. New coaches = new systems and the typical Chinese fire drill of rebuilding. Think that diversion of talent to the "U" and FSU won't be noticeable? Their OL is about to realize what our Vols were facing with all new starters (Ivey? It'll take more than one standout, untested rookie) and, in the east, UT, UGA and most likely Mizzou are going to make whichever QBs wearing orange and blue turn black and blue. Keep in mind that bama and LSU on the west end will be running amok over them, every bit as much. That sucking noise y'all will hear is the draining of the swamp.
3-Missouri. Gary Pinkel is probably the most solid coach in the game, and he does more with less than any college HC I can think of. However, this year he's even more lacking in talent...particularly at WR...than he's been since the Tigers' year 1 in the SEC. Nonetheless, Mizzou will win more than they seemingly should.
2-UGA. With any of their three top RBs capable of starting for anybody, and they're all very, very talented, you'd think the dawgs will be unstoppable. Chubb and Michel are lightning bolts with a wallop. Barring unforeseen saviors at both WR and QB, though, all those 4 and 5* studs will be watching as those blazing fast battering rams themselves get battered by defenses stacking the box and forcing pick sixes on the dawgs' gun shy QBs. Mike Bobo, who really knows how to make the running game click, just may be missed a lot more than folks think in Athens.
1-UT Vols. Let's pump the brakes not sunshine/be realistic/take off the orange shades or whatever and accept that all's not going to work to perfection for this wildly hyped team. Let's also realize that a few rocks in the way won't slow Niagra Falls to a trickle. Young teams have historically been in the mix of those who "miraculously" morph into major contenders, and this group has a sick blend of talent, speed and an uber-intense motivation...enough to win a whole lot of games THIS YEAR. Yes, there will be injuries; maybe even a defection or dismissal or something-of-the-sort, and most likely one or more of those sure-fire superstars just won't progress as projected. Nonetheless, there's just too much there for UT to be knocked out of contention for the SEC CG. I'll hang up and listen.