Not sure if they would ever admit it, but the biggest mistake GA Tech ever made(In Sports) was leaving the SEC. Dodd was mad because the NCAA capped scholarships for Football and Basketball and he accused other schools of running off players to make room for new recruits(Sound Familiar?) He wanted recruits to be guaranteed a scholarship for 4 years. He accused Bama of being the biggest offender(Surprise, Surprise). GA Tech was also tired of sharing bowl revenue with other SEC teams because they were a powerhouse and going to the higher paying bowls at the time. He thought they could make more by not having to share. Not all bad thoughts at the time, but they lost out on a lot of revenue since that time(Hundreds of millions?). They would probably still be a great program today considering they are located in Atlanta. Nothing groundbreaking here, just thought some fans may find this interesting.
Hope this game happens. From here on, we will probably try to do some sort of kickoff game every year for the exposure. We are in a great position because we are close to Atlanta, Charlotte and Nashville(Rumored to be getting a yearly kickoff game). I could see us in one of those 3 cities every year to start the season.