2020 Census Results



Kung Fu Kamala, B*tches!
Jan 16, 2010
Results are out. Less white, rural population declines. GOP gerrymandering gonna be lit.

Which census did they start doing this breakdown?

States Losing House Seats:

California, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York.
That’s actually the real story but clueless EL had to get the talking points message going. Look at that idiocy wall of tweets in the first post 😂
The tweeted map suggests 4 counties around Davidson lost 20% or more in population. I think that is wrong. If anything, those counties grew 20% or more.
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That’s actually the real story but clueless EL had to get the talking points message going. Look at that idiocy wall of tweets in the first post 😂
I loved that one idiot’s comment about overrepresentation in the Senate. Clearly that person needs a Civics 101 course.
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Just as a side note to the moving of northerners to the south. I was walking my dog today and my latest new neighbor showed up today. As I walked by one of their cars parked in the street I noticed all kinds of rust rot that I haven't seen since the 70's in TN. I contemplated which northern crap hole they moved here from and finally saw their Michigan license plate. Good luck when they go to trade that car in.
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