2020 Census Results

States Losing House Seats:

California, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York.

Bad news: we found their refugees causing the losses down here in the southern states. How did it all go wrong? Southern states were supposed to be the pits - the end of civilization. Who let the cat out of the bag, and convinced Californians and yankees they were wrong about all that?
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Results are out. Less white, rural population declines. GOP gerrymandering gonna be lit.

There is a reason this got no likes. Who cares? But yet you take this as some gotcha moment for the GOP? So you honestly think the majority cares about inconsequential things like this?
With blacks losing their political significance, going to be quite fascinating as the plurality of Hispanics has overtaken their numbers. I could go somehwere with this..but then again it would be an EL game

It’s going to be hilarious when the Hispanics realize they have to pay for reparations.
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