2020 Presidential Race

You know your stuff....Question, but not sure how to word it.

If the MOE is 5% and Biden has a 5 point lead (48-43), is that not the same as Trump possibly leading 48-43 when accounting for sampling error? The confidence factor includes the MOE as well doesn't it?

Second question. How does one determine MoE? There is obviously a MOE within a MOE..lol
Don’t forget the MOE within the MOE that is within the MOE.
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Per the average of all polls on Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight site (and I use them, because Silver is not a pollster himself, but he is a respected statistician who analyzes polls - and he uses a much larger sample size than Real Clear Politics):

Joe Biden (D) ............. 51.4% (plus 8.7)
Donald Trump (R) .... 42.7%

Joe Biden (D) .............. 50.4% (plus 8.4)
Donald Trump (R) ..... 42.0%

Joe Biden (D) ............... 50.1% (plus 5.1)
Donald Trump (R) ...... 45.0%

Joe Biden (D) ................ 51.9% (plus 8.6)
Donald Trump (R) ....... 43.3%

There is not a path to 270 electoral college votes for Donald Trump without winning at least one of these 4 states. Biden's lead has been consistently outside the 4.5% margin of error in these states, over the last month of the campaign, and unlike Hillary Clinton in 2016, Biden has been consistently polling over 50% for over a month now in these states.
Yeah, that’s absurd.
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Don’t forget the MOE within the MOE that is within the MOE.

Yep. I disagree with the tactic but I was browbeaten when I suggested running people over so they keep protests off the roads. Welcome to the New America.

I think that a liberal assortment of millennial hood ornaments would indeed make a statement against playing in the streets. There's not a thing in the Constitution saying that protestors have the right to impede traffic or otherwise trample individual rights. I'd recommend sturdy nerf bars in areas with known lib pestilence and a propensity for playing stupid games in the streets, though.
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