This is complete BS....does it not occur to anyone else???
Few facts:
GA says military ballots still coming in for next week...
PA says they have 40,000 military ballots that haven't been counted...
EVERY ELECTION in my 43 years of life except for 2000 has been decided and settled ON ELECTION NIGHT. OVER. DONE.
What does that mean? Military ballots which apparently always roll in late just don't get counted apparently???
They CANNOT count in an election decided on Tuesday if they regularly dont show up until days later or a week later, right???
So the people who live their lives in danger in sheitholes across the world, get blown up by IEDs, shot by snipers, and otherwise killed so that we don't have to....THESE PEOPLE don't get their votes counted? WTF is going on...and WHY isn't anyone pissed about that?