2020 Presidential Race

Why are you so upset that someone you believe is a **** human being didnt get reelected?
The real question is why do you support a Racist like Biden?
-Do you believe that poor kids are as smart as white kids? Biden does
-Do you support the Biden crime bill. The most systemic racist bill in history. That bill made black men a commodity for the private prison system.
- Do you think that integration of schools would make all schools jungles? Biden does. He didn’t want his kids going to school in the jungle. Do you?
I don't know how others who have been in the military feel, but a thanks for my service makes me feel uneasy. As a military brat and then a member, it's just something we did. What probably disturbs me even more is that people who want to change what this country was when I was in the Army (67-70) would have the gall to say thanks while undoing what we stood for. In essence those are the people who actually say (perhaps not in words) what Trump was accused of saying.

If people want to thank veterans for our service don’t do it with hollow words. Do it by voting for candidates that wont send any more kids into needless wars, do it by voting for candidates that will defend the bill of rights, do it by voting for candidates that will lower the amount of money taken out of our pockets through taxes, do it by voting for candidates that will lower/eliminate our debt so the country will survive.

Words mean nothing.
Why are you so upset that someone you believe is a **** human being didnt get reelected?
Legit question. I really don't care whether Biden is POTUS or not. I've continually said neither him nor Trump should be President, but one has to win. That said, why do you ignore anything bad that has to do with Biden or Harris? The left had zero problem attacking all of Trump's faults, and many, certainly not all, but many on this board who lean right were able to admit those faults. Yet the left has a real hard time admitting shortcomings in their own candidates. Why? Four years of attacking Trump and you don't think people on this board are going to do the same to Biden and Harris? And for some, yes, they probably are upset Trump lost, but not all. Still doesn't change that like all human beings, Biden and Harris have flaws, and people are going to pick them apart, just as Trump was picked apart.
If people want to thank veterans for our service don’t do it with hollow words. Do it by voting for candidates that wont send any more kids into needless wars, do it by voting for candidates that will defend the bill of rights, do it by voting for candidates that will lower the amount of money taken out of our pockets through taxes, do it by voting for candidates that will lower/eliminate our debt so the country will survive.

Words mean nothing.
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To me the turning point started in the later half of the 60s as the antiwar protest strengthened. It was like my generation and then progressively younger generations who collectively thought that they knew more than our parents (who did things like fight WW2 and a real depression) and became strong enough to start a change in the country. It was like a downhill ride - slow at first, but it's really out of control now. Men who died in WW2, if they saw today, would be shocked (disheartened) to see what they gave their lives for. We've made wondrous strides in technology and many other facets of life, but as a country we've hopelessly lost our way.
So sad and true AM64.
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Was that led by Hillary? Did she refuse to.concede and file frivolous lawsuits?
No that was Gore.

In reality I was in favor of the Florida recounts. It gave us a good system in Florida that everyone should follow. I’m in favor of recounts now in every state where there’s irregularities. Maybe it will also lead to fewer problems in those places.

I don’t think it will change the outcome of anything but we need to protect the election process.
There is no conspiracy guys. This guy takes you guys on conspiracy theory rides all the time. Four years ago, he was looking for 3 million votes that were illegal. Investigation turned up nothing. please stop going down these rabbit holes. At the end, he will blame his supporters for not doing more. Hopefully that is the straw that breaks the camels back for some of you guys.
He'll say that and they'll all agree. No way they'll think he's talking about them.
Well Obamacare is not free. You have to still.pay for it. You thought Obamacare was free? 🤦🏽‍♂️🤭

Nothing the Feds do is free , somebody will pay for every single program / law they enact . Even if they do nothing , we will pay for the studies they deem necessary before they do nothing .
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Both sides are corrupt. I firmly believe that. But a lot of people want to believe that the "other side" is corrupt and their side is all about "truth, justice, and the American way". That's bull ****. Open your eyes and question everything. Politicians are supposed to work for us. Even the POTUS is supposed to be working for us. But people have seemed to have forgotten that. Don't trust that they're acting in our best interest because they say they are. Don't be blinded by political affiliation. People have got to stop being weak-minded sheep and realize even those they support will screw them over in a heartbeat.
For asking a question about Hunter Biden that now appears to be true.

It's just insane. The dems carried a 4 year war on with Trump by legal means and quite probably by illegal means. Now, Trump is questioning the results of this election and Dems are like.....wtf!!!!!
And impeached.....essentially the frivolous lawsuit.
Hillary impeached donald? News to me. Look man, donald can't be your daddy either. Hell, he doesn't even like his own kids. The only 1 he likes is Ivanka, and he has a weird sexuall obsession with her. With that said, we will find your daddy.
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Well Obamacare is not free. You have to still.pay for it. You thought Obamacare was free? 🤦🏽‍♂️🤭
It’s free for a large portion of our society..... the original Obamacare was a killer for people that worked hard but didn’t make a lot of money..... not only did they still not have insurance..... they got fined for it..... my premiums tripled after Obamacare happened
It's just insane. The dems carried a 4 year war on with Trump by legal means and quite probably by illegal means. Now, Trump is questioning the results of this election and Dems are like.....wtf!!!!!

The irregularities need to be investigated. Anywhere one side was locked out needs to be recounted with both sides present.

I doubt it will change anything but the election process needs to be protected.

Everyone needs to start looking at their leadership from the opposition point of view. What I mean by that is, if my leader says something would it upset me if the other guy said it. Trying that will change how you see the world

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