2020 Presidential Race

I don’t know why they're in such a hurry to ruin this great country.
Yesterday driving home from work I was passed by a brand new, nicely painted Indian-owned rig - a tractor trailer pulling a longbox van (53-footer, king of the Freight haulers) - with the following lettered on there:

Tribe Transport LLC, a Native American Woman Owned Business

Good for her. And her company is first in line for hauling any freight whether for the government or any big corporation.

Is this a great country or what?
Trump is the only modern US president to never reach a 50% approval rating in his four years in office. His average approval rating was just 41% according to Gallup -- a full eight points less than former President Barack Obama's.

Trump's share of the popular vote in 2016 was just 46.4%. Since 1900, only Woodrow Wilson in 1912, Richard Nixon in 1968 and Bill Clinton in 1992 won office with a smaller share of the vote and, unlike Trump, these three winners faced a third-party challenger who peeled off a significant number of votes.
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You can laugh yourself silly for all I care. But the average IQ of this board would improve considerably if you'd pour yourself a nice tall glass of stfu. Of course, it is your right to be here as blabby as you please.
Typical leftist. Disagree with me? STFU.... Silence all opposing points of view, because if you don't agree with me you aren't 'educated'.

Good Job.
Equating the word Indian (when referring to native Americans) with the N-word is a bit of a stretch, but I see where you're coming from.

Let me guess: you're probably less than half my age (I'm 65), and white and full of guilt for being white.

I guess I'm just not woke enough for you. And that's probably never going to change.
When he grows up, his views will come far closer to yours than yours ever will towards his. It has been like that for millennia.

But this 'woke' generation will do socialism better than any other generation that has ever attempted it because they are all 'educated'.
Trump is the only modern US president to never reach a 50% approval rating in his four years in office. His average approval rating was just 41% according to Gallup -- a full eight points less than former President Barack Obama's.

Trump's share of the popular vote in 2016 was just 46.4%. Since 1900, only Woodrow Wilson in 1912, Richard Nixon in 1968 and Bill Clinton in 1992 won office with a smaller share of the vote and, unlike Trump, these three winners faced a third-party challenger who peeled off a significant number of votes.

Joe will be lucky just to get a 10% approval rating with his dumb ass way of running the country....
He runs off stage scared now so he doesn't speak to a reporter he deems too hard of a question being asked.
Joe has been in office for 50 years and never has done squat but be elected president only on fraud accounts....
Joe Biden is a puppet of China & will do whatever China tells him to do .....
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These kids need to just wait until all us old farts die, and then they can finish ruining the country unimpeded. I can't imagine feeling guilt over stuff you didn't do or have no control over.
Personally, I think we should just go back to the way things used to be...8C2C6222-4322-453D-8EDD-8B96922E67D4.jpeg
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Joe will be lucky just to get a 10% approval rating with his dumb ass way of running the country....
He runs off stage scared now so he doesn't speak to a reporter he deems too hard of a question to answer.
Joe has been in office for 50 years and never has done squat but be elected president only on fraud accounts....
Joe Biden is a puppet of China & will do whatever China tells him to do .....

What if you are a puppet of the Trump cult and say whatever you are told to say? That is how you and several one of your Trump loving friends look to folks who aren't outhouse crazy.
What if you are a puppet of the Trump cult and say whatever you are told to say? That is how you and several one of your Trump loving friends look to folks who aren't outhouse crazy.

There you go with your ridiculous "whataboutisms" post again. Go get a life ....
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Typical leftist. Disagree with me? STFU.... Silence all opposing points of view, because if you don't agree with me you aren't 'educated'.

Good Job.
Actually, I am not a leftist, but you were told that before without being able to assimilate the information. What is wrong with you? Why can't you learn simple things?
You post things like you're a loony left-wing nut ..... so there's that.

No, that is not right at all. You're just so habituated to calling someone that name whenever you meet someone who is not a member of your cult that you do not even know the difference any more. That is part of your cult conditioning. I'm not trying to be mean about this, but you need somebody to talk honest with you or you'll never escape the cult.
No, that is not right at all. You're just so habituated to calling someone that name whenever you meet someone who is not a member of your cult that you do not even know the difference any more. That is part of your cult conditioning. I'm not trying to be mean about this, but you need somebody to talk honest with you or you'll never escape the cult.

Sure, Jan..... LOL.
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Remember, if you call out racism, you're playing the race card. If you wouldn't say anything about the racism, it would go away. They wouldn't call you an N-word, or thug, or lazy. They would respect you as a human being. They wouldn't utter the words, go back to where you came from.
thug and lazy have nothing to do with race
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No, you people who are bigots. You get caught using racial language and then say either the person calling you out is playing the race card, or the dumber response, "I'm not a racist."

The indigenous people who were here first were subjected to genocide and persecution on top of being dubbed "Indians" because Columbus and his followers were too stupid to realize they weren't in India.
You realize they also had genocide and persecution here before Columbus and his followers ever stepped foot in this Hemisphere, right?
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The reason why some countries are post-industrial, industrial or pre-industrial is more complex than I care to delve into today, but I can assure you it’s not due to “tribalism.” That’s not what I was referring to anyway.

Implying that white people from Europe came and made this land a “real country” means that you’re ok with genocide as a means to an end.
well comparing the greatest and most successful country the world has ever seen to a bunch of inferior culture warring tribes living in caves and huts who practiced human sacrifice, slavery, incest, etc. before white people even stepped foot on the land is pretty silly
What if you're a piece of trash that's on fire ......... do I pee on you to put the fire out?

No. Your belief would be a hallucination, an indication of delusional psychosis. The actions you suggest taking would be prosecutable criminal violations. Assuming that you survived your malicious assault and battery, a judge would decide whether to send you to jail or a mental health institution.

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