How much of a public spectacle should we make over vandalism? Should we put the perpetrators in stocks in the public square for a week?
Well when u use city crews at 3AM to clean grafitti and try and avoid any pics that may embarass the regime, you are not transparent. It is a microcosm of everything we witness with the Dem complicit media for Dems and the entire counternarrative with Trump, or any Republican for that matter.
You can't have a sane conversation and make any kind of sense to the idiot stupid Democrats. They think they know it all and smarter than everybody else on the planet. They want to burn it all down and start over w/their insane idiotic policies that never works for anybody but for themselves in getting richer & it gives to them more power & leverage over the common man's life for control of what to do & say.... we will call them tyrants plain & simple.
Yeah, huge cover up.Well when u use city crews at 3AM to clean grafitti and try and avoid any pics that may embarass the regime, you are not transparent.
And they got McConnell's house too.
Exactly how much do you want the federal courts to intervening whenever someone feels they could be treated differently than someone else? Weird that you call a court declining to stop an election as an example of a dictatorship.
Yeah, huge cover up.
Nancy Pelosi's House Vandalized with Pig's Head, Fake Blood, Spray Paint
House Speaker Pelosi's S.F. home vandalized with spray paint, pig's head
Pelosi's home vandalized with pig's head, blood |
Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco house vandalized with a pig's head, spray-painted anarchist symbol and graffiti about $2,000 stimulus checks
Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco home vandalized overnight on New Year's Day
Nancy Pelosi’s home vandalized with pig’s head, fake blood |
Speaker Pelosi's house vandalized with graffiti, pig head: reports
Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco Home Vandalized
Stimulus checks: McConnell, Pelosi homes vandalized over payments
and on and on . . .
If you took out the pejoratives and insults, your posts would be 1/3 the length and say the same thing.
And with the contempt you have for their existence, you may as well advance legislation to make it illegal to have and act on those views. Might save you a heart attack down the line.
Somebody watched OANN last night before jumping on VN.Democrats have sh!t for brains ...... plain and simple. All they want is more & more power/control over your life.
There's nothing else about these low-life scum-bag sh!tty hypocrites to convince me otherwise. BTW, Jackass Joe Biden has been bought & paid for by Communist China through his son Hunter. That right there is plain & simple.