2020 Presidential Race

LOL! Show me even one poll where Trump's approval rating is over 46% right now... or any poll which has Trump leading Biden head to head, or where Trump is leading Biden in any of the following states: Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Virginia, Nevada, Minnesota or New Hampshire. As of right now, it looks like Trump will get routed.

Sleep tight. The Democrats got this.
Truth and Luth don't mix. Kind of like oil and water. You try to mix the two and it emulsifies, nothing is clear. Give it time to settle and nothing happens. Try to decant the oily substance off to get at the truth and what happens, there is a rag layer in the middle that fouls everything up and you have to go inside and blast it out with steam leading to an extended down time. Basically a chemical engineer's nightmare...
It certainly seems that most of you are. I've never witnessed an angrier and more bitter lot in my life. Bannon had that pegged and Trump has played it to the hilt.
In some ways I agree. I'm not sure I remember a time when both sides seemed so angry and bitter. But that's where the disagreement comes in. You see it as one sided, but it's not. Or you pull out your continuum argument and argue about placement, which is really just a way of deflecting the flaws of your side. Trump's need to constantly tweet is insane, but so are so many voices on the left. The platforms the Dem candidates are pushing? Crazy. All the protests and the rise of Antifa? Lunacy. Lots of crazy is going on in our country and you keep trying to lay it completely at the feet of Trump, never acknowledging the role the left has played in it as well. I do think their is a sickness in this country, but it existed before Trump, and will continue after. Trying to blame Trump for everything is just lazy and stupid. You have tunnel vision. You see what you want to see, and you refuse to see the actual bigger picture of what's going on. If you actually opened your eyes to it all, you'd see the craziness is being driven by both sides, and has been for some time.
In some ways I agree. I'm not sure I remember a time when both sides seemed so angry and bitter. But that's where the disagreement comes in. You see it as one sided, but it's not. Or you pull out your continuum argument and argue about placement, which is really just a way of deflecting the flaws of your side. Trump's need to constantly tweet is insane, but so are so many voices on the left. The platforms the Dem candidates are pushing? Crazy. All the protests and the rise of Antifa? Lunacy. Lots of crazy is going on in our country and you keep trying to lay it completely at the feet of Trump, never acknowledging the role the left has played in it as well. I do think their is a sickness in this country, but it existed before Trump, and will continue after. Trying to blame Trump for everything is just lazy and stupid. You have tunnel vision. You see what you want to see, and you refuse to see the actual bigger picture of what's going on. If you actually opened your eyes to it all, you'd see the craziness is being driven by both sides, and has been for some time.
Obviously everyone knows Trump isn't the beginning nor the end of the problem; but he is and forever will be the face of the problem. He is the point at which one side let the problem get totally out of hand. He is the point at which one party took it to far. He is the proverbial "rock bottom".

It's like two brothers, Randy and Dave, who have always been close but are also constantly picking at each other and occasionally even fight. One night, when they are both grown with families of their own, Randy gets drunk and goes to Dave's house and shoots him. Luckily it's not a fatal wound. As Dave is lying there wounded, he looks up at Randy and says, "what the hell man, are you crazy?". Randy slurs "you made me mad and we've always bickered." Dave says, "you're an idiot, get away from me." Most everyone acknowledges that Randy was completely in the wrong (even though Dave is no angel), and agrees that unfortunately it will be a long time before Randy
is ever forgiven.

Trump is obviously the drunken shooting.
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Obviously everyone knows Trump isn't the beginning nor the end of the problem; but he is and forever will be the face of the problem. He is the point at which one side let the problem get totally out of hand. He is the point at which one party took it to far. He is the proverbial "rock bottom".

It's like two brothers, Randy and Dave, who have always been close but are also constantly picking at each other and occasionally even fight. One night, when they are both grown with families of their own, Randy gets drunk and goes to Dave's house and shoots him. Luckily it's not a fatal wound. As Dave a lying there wounded, he looks up at Randy and says, "what the hell man, are you crazy?". Randy slurs "you made me mad and we've always bickered." Dave says, "you're an idiot, get away from me." Most everyone acknowledges that Randy was completely in the wrong (even though Dave is no angle), and agrees that unfortunately it will be a long time before Randy
is ever forgiven.

Trump is obviously the drunken shooting.

What a stupid metaphor.
LOL! Show me even one poll where Trump's approval rating is over 46% right now... or any poll which has Trump leading Biden head to head, or where Trump is leading Biden in any of the following states: Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Virginia, Nevada, Minnesota or New Hampshire. As of right now, it looks like Trump will get routed.
Don't worry Clinton was going to get 297 in a landslide according to the polls 3 days before the election...........Oops!!
Obviously everyone knows Trump isn't the beginning nor the end of the problem; but he is and forever will be the face of the problem. He is the point at which one side let the problem get totally out of hand. He is the point at which one party took it to far. He is the proverbial "rock bottom".

It's like two brothers, Randy and Dave, who have always been close but are also constantly picking at each other and occasionally even fight. One night, when they are both grown with families of their own, Randy gets drunk and goes to Dave's house and shoots him. Luckily it's not a fatal wound. As Dave is lying there wounded, he looks up at Randy and says, "what the hell man, are you crazy?". Randy slurs "you made me mad and we've always bickered." Dave says, "you're an idiot, get away from me." Most everyone acknowledges that Randy was completely in the wrong (even though Dave is no angle), and agrees that unfortunately it will be a long time before Randy
is ever forgiven.

Trump is obviously the drunken shooting.


You're a loon.

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