2020 Presidential Race

Of course there was fraud. There has been fraud in every election. But elections are far more secure now than they have been in the past.
1, More than seen in a normal election.
2. Enough to effect the outcome.

That's simply the flip side of the question. You have no evidence to prove that elections are more secure than at any other time in the past. In fact, voting by mail without ID checks would say it's demonstrably less secure than voting in person - there's no proof of who requested the ballot (if a request was necessary), who received the ballot, who filled in the ballot, or who returned the ballot because it lacks the witness who verifies that he/she verified the photo ID when handing the person a ballot in a secure location, that the person was alone and alone received the ballot, and then another witness to determine that an individual on leaving fed exactly one ballot into the tabulator. The mail in process from a security perspective was BS from the start.
This is a true statement that applies to MANY on the left. They have no idea the ideology they are supporting and what it can and will do to a free country. I really pray that you being a military man know this, but I am sorely afraid that you do not.
Yes , I am concerned about some on the far left, progressive wing
Sure, if evidence of fraud is presented. But when Trump and his cult baselessly declare there was widespread fraud, it is perfectly reasonable to say there is no evidence of widespread fraud. Because there isn't.

Ok, if there’s not then why not do audits of machines and mail in ballots/registrations? I mean, if they can’t find anything through extensive audits, that would ease everyone’s minds about fraud.

The people that are questioning the election will never take these results the way it is now. There’s enough evidence for people to rightfully question the results. And, The more people are told by the media that the evidence is all lies and social media platforms try to silence these talking points. This approach is backfiring on them. People still believe in making up their own minds about what they believed happened.
Breakthrough??? Are you nuts???
I've been saying all along his policies are secondary, by a long shot. It's about him being a horrendously despicable human.
There were plenty of others who supported the same policies but were not horrendously despicable for you guys to choose from.
It’s unbelievable to me that you would actually cast a vote based on someone’s personality rather than the actions they take in running a country. That’s why the MSM attacked Trump like they did though. They know that a lot of people make decisions on emotion rather than logic so if they could get people to hate Trump’s personality that it would help the cause come election time. Granted, Trump helped out tremendously but there were a lot of things made up as well, such as the racism nonsense. I don’t know the man. Maybe he is racist but the crap the media and Dems used to accuse him of being racist were lies and spin. But hey, it worked, and you applaud the fact that the MSM manipulated the public by slanting everything in favor of Biden. You don’t want or care about facts. You just want Trump gone no matter the cost. Your obsession really is unhealthy.
Why? You'll just spew orange kool-aid all over every single bullet point because nothing I'm going to say, list, or cite will reach someone who is as far up Trump's anal cavity as you are.

One thing that you cultists love about him is that he doesn't care what the rest of the world thinks about the US. That sort of cavalier approach has its consequences. Most of the world has viewed us as a joke for the past 4 years. Why else did we see so many celebrations across the globe when he lost the election?
You are exactly right. I do not GAF what the rest of the world thinks anymore. I am tired of being their police force, their go to when natural disasters hit... their piggy bank. And you are also wrong. They have taken notice because they are paying their fair share for a change. They will be laughing at us again soon when Sloe Joe and the Ho get us right back into those onerous contracts where we pay and everybody else skates. You have zero capability to think critically in this matter.

But for example, what are these consequences of which you speak? All the wars that Mr Turmp got us into? LOL
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You think the two party system is really two separate entities? The GOP establishment hated Trump from the get go. They HAD to deal with him. I said it months ago that nothing would come of the Crack Head investigations because it would lead to Joe and they wanted to be rid of Trump. We are all going to rue the day we elected those two ass clowns to office. Right back to the swamp we go and they laugh all the way to the bank.
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You think the two party system is really two separate entities? The GOP establishment hated Trump from the get go. They HAD to deal with him. I said it months ago that nothing would come of the Crack Head investigations because it would lead to Joe and they wanted to be rid of Trump. We are all going to rue the day we elected those two ass clowns to office. Right back to the swamp we go and they laugh all the way to the bank.
No, I don't think that and have posted nothing to suggest it.

It's hard to take much of what you post as anything remotely credible. Graham is about as GOP establishment as anyone up on the Hill and he has been up Trump's ass from Day 1 of his Presidency

Nobody knows cyber like Trump!

Old cybersecurity pros who've been coding on an abacus in a closet at NSA for the past 400 years come to Trump with tears in their eyes, and these are men whose tear ducts were removed at birth, and they say, "Sir, we have never seen anyone who has done as much about cyber as you have!" They can't believe it.

Then their bodies dissipate into a cloud of 1s and 0s and flow into the internet for all eternity leaving nothing but their tear-stained digital monk robes on the floor at Trump's feet.

Man, I'm going to miss his "Sir" stories! Who am I kidding, he'll announce his candidacy before January is out.
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