2020 Presidential Race

It’s unbelievable to me that you would actually cast a vote based on someone’s personality rather than the actions they take in running a country. That’s why the MSM attacked Trump like they did though. They know that a lot of people make decisions on emotion rather than logic so if they could get people to hate Trump’s personality that it would help the cause come election time. Granted, Trump helped out tremendously but there were a lot of things made up as well, such as the racism nonsense. I don’t know the man. Maybe he is racist but the crap the media and Dems used to accuse him of being racist were lies and spin. But hey, it worked, and you applaud the fact that the MSM manipulated the public by slanting everything in favor of Biden. You don’t want or care about facts. You just want Trump gone no matter the cost. Your obsession really is unhealthy.
That's about the most emotionally filled and fact free post I've read.
First - I do not cast a vote based on someone's personality rather than the actions they take - that's absurd. I balance the two.
Second - I would never vote for someone who is horrendously despicable when others with basically the same policies are running. That would be even more absurd. (see - rep. primaries)
Third - If you do not comprehend how a person's character/personality factors into their effectiveness as a leader, you're being selectively blind.
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This is a true statement that applies to MANY on the left. They have no idea the ideology they are supporting and what it can and will do to a free country. I really pray that you being a military man know this, but I am sorely afraid that you do not.
They don’t even know the ideology they’re fighting. They are low information zealots. They just let the traditional media think for them. It’s pathetic. If you aren’t consistently challenging your beliefs and doing research to make sure what you believe in is what you actually believe, then I have no time for you. I like independent people with independent thought. It’s lame that when I see somebody with blue hair, I already know their political beliefs.

Speaking of that, the thing I love the most in 2020 is the left still thinks they’re the counter culture. It’s like if your political beliefs line up with Best Buy you’re NOT the counter culture, if a big majority of your side dies their hair blue you’re not an individual, and if you’re wanting everyone’s lives to have the same outcome you’re not a liberal. Just my thoughts and I don’t care what a lefty has to say about it. I don’t even read their responses. I was exactly them for 18 years, I know exactly how they think.
That's about the most emotionally filled and fact free post I've read.
First - I do not cast a vote based on someone's personality rather than the actions they take - that's absurd. I balance the two.
Second - I would never vote for someone who is horrendously despicable when others with basically the same policies are running. That would be even more absurd. (see - rep. primaries)
Third - If you do not comprehend how a person's character/personality factors into their effectiveness as a leader, your being selectively blind.

Of cou
My apologies Luther, you are clearly the king of facts.
I will make my first and last political contribution to Volnation. A pox on both of their houses. America will not be saved by politicians. We have much deeper divisions than can be patched by the very people who stay in power by exploiting the divisions they helped create.

Nobody knows cyber like Trump!

Old cybersecurity pros who've been coding on an abacus in a closet at NSA for the past 400 years come to Trump with tears in their eyes, and these are men whose tear ducts were removed at birth, and they say, "Sir, we have never seen anyone who has done as much about cyber as you have!" They can't believe it.

Then their bodies dissipate into a cloud of 1s and 0s and flow into the internet for all eternity leaving nothing but their tear-stained digital monk robes on the floor at Trump's feet.

Man, I'm going to miss his "Sir" stories! Who am I kidding, he'll announce his candidacy before January is out.

What was Putin's ROI for Trump? Dude got all he could have hoped for and more
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What was Putin's ROI for Trump? Dude got all he could have hoped for and more
I know he wasnt able to grab up Crimea, annex some other parts of Ukraine under Trump. Who else is going to give Putin that type of ROI. Oh I know, the guy going back into office who let Putin grab that land in the first place.
Ever country on earth tries to influence elections in every other county. They do it to us and we do it to them. It is as old as the concept of elections. Rome and Carthage did it and so has everyone since. It is the way the world works.
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Did Rome hire workers to troll the Carthaginian internets?
Troll the roman graffiti walls. Was quiet common actually. I know the Roman's pushed pretty hard against Hannibal Barcas party. I forget which but there were sympathizing houses on both sides.
Isn't this the county that the "forensic audit" said the machines have a 60% error rate?

Sidney Powell and Lin Wood have captured the imagination of the Q folks with this nonsense. They've done serious damage to actual proveable legitimate election complaints, largely mail in ballot fraud.
Troll trap? Is that code word for "I have no answer"? I asked a straight forward question to his statement of fact. Im not sure how that is "troll trap".

No code speak . The answers you seek have flooded the news since Nov 5. So you’ve either been hiding, or are trolling to start an argument because you don’t think Biden won fair and square or just looking to waste time. I’m just tired of time wasters

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