2020 Schedule Udates.

This doesn't have any direct bearing on the schedule but I wasn't sure that it deserved its own thread: I noticed in a Lady Vols post the other day in which DeerPark mentioned a likely 15% attendance cap at TBA, and Louisville has announced this morning that the KFC Yum! Center will have this same 15% capacity restriction. It now seems inevitable that this will be the case for Tennessee, so we'll unfortunately be looking at a capacity of around 3,250 for games this season... which is, of course, pretty unideal.
This doesn't have any direct bearing on the schedule but I wasn't sure that it deserved its own thread: I noticed in a Lady Vols post the other day in which DeerPark mentioned a likely 15% attendance cap at TBA, and Louisville has announced this morning that the KFC Yum! Center will have this same 15% capacity restriction. It now seems inevitable that this will be the case for Tennessee, so we'll unfortunately be looking at a capacity of around 3,250 for games this season... which is, of course, pretty unideal.
Thanks for the info. I’m trying to stay grateful for anything, so I’m happy it seems there will be basketball and I’ll be happy if I can see at least a few of these games in person
It was always interesting to me as a little kid when they’d lower the center scoreboard to the court during the VC between games to change out the team names.

I remember that, as well. I had to be around 9-10 when I went to my 1st Vol Classic.
I have been in the dark re an SEC basketball schedule for the men. What is the current best guess as to when and where TN will be playing? Has the SEC voiced any concepts as to how to get the season going?

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