There is a cruelty in every position of authority.
I have had to fire people I like. in my lifetime as a manager...People with bills, families, responsibilities.
I don't do it without sentiment, but sometimes I have to do it.
Same with players.
And I do not do it without valid attempts to correct the weakness. I learned long ago I can't cure everyone.
Some will fall no matter what because they are either in their wrong strength or not inspired to succeed.
Teams are made in the season and individual skills are furthered in the offseason.
When I give a skill to be worked on during a separation period (be it a week or a summer), the first thing I do when I get back in front of that player is see if they worked on it.
If they show progress or signs of their efforts, wonderful.
But if they are scared to show me bc they didn't even take the time to TRY to work on it...Guess what!
@NeedOrange I am a compassionate man. I feel sentiment for the weak or challenged..But i have NO sentiment for "lazy" or the ones that give up without trying....Sorry, not sorry!