2022 Governor Elections (36 States)


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
Self-Proclaimed ‘Only Conservative’ in AZ Gov Race Under Fire for Donations to Dems

GOP candidate gave to Barack Obama, John Kerry

The self-proclaimed "only conservative" in the race for Arizona governor has had her campaign launch derailed by reports of her political donations to Democrats John Kerry and Barack Obama.

Former news anchor Kari Lake announced her candidacy in June, positioning herself as the "only conservative, America First Trump Republican in the race." But instead of spending the opening weeks of the campaign touting her conservative bona fides, Lake has sparred with local media over her donations to liberal politicians.

Lake on June 15 accused one local reporter of conducting a "hit piece interview" when he attempted to confirm the contributions, saying the line of questioning was "unethical" and "slanted."

While Lake's campaign did not return a request for comment, she has explained her contributions to Democrats in other local interviews by saying she "was really excited about the first black president" and "thought the Republican Party had lost its way with the endless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq."

"I was so concerned that it caused me to change party affiliation from Republican to an independent and then for a short time a Democrat, but I returned to the Republican Party in 2012 and have been ever since," Lake told 12 News in June.

Financial disclosures show that Lake contributed a combined $850 to Kerry and Obama's presidential campaigns in 2004 and 2008, respectively. The 2004 donation marked her first ever political contribution. Lake officially left the GOP two years later, changing her party affiliation to independent ahead of the 2006 midterm elections, according to NBC's Phoenix affiliate. She went on to register as a Democrat in January 2008 and held the affiliation for four years.

Self-Proclaimed 'Only Conservative' in AZ Gov Race Under Fire for Donations to Dems - Washington Free Beacon
Republican Texas Gubernatorial Candidate Allen West's Wife is Arrested for 'driving while intoxicated with her young grandson'

  • Angela Graham-West, wife of GOP gubernatorial candidate Allen West, was arrested by Dallas Police Friday night for allegedly driving while intoxicated
  • West said his wife hadn’t been drinking, that her three-month-old grandson was in the car with her, and called the arrest 'insidious' in a video on Twitter
Texas gubernatorial candidate Allen West's wife has been arrested for allegedly driving under the influence on Friday night.

West is said to be 'beyond livid' with the Dallas Police Department for the arrest which he insists was wrongful and that his wife was sober at the time.

Angela Graham-West, 61, was driving home from dinner at P.F. Changs with her three-month-old grandson, Jaxton, when she was pulled over for a traffic violation at around 8.45p.m. Friday night in Dallas County, leading to an officer to suspect that she was intoxicated before performing a field sobriety test on her.

After the breathalyzer test, which her husband says 'came up negative', Graham-West was charged with 'Driving While Intoxicated with a Child under 15 Years Old' and stayed in jail overnight before her release on Saturday afternoon, according to Fox News.


PICTURED: Angela Graham-West, wife of Republican Texas gubernatorial candidate Allen West was arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) with her young grandson in the car


Texas Governor candidate Allen West 'livid' after his wife was arrested for DWI with grandkid in car | Daily Mail Online
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Republican Texas Gubernatorial Candidate Allen West's Wife is Arrested for 'driving while intoxicated with her young grandson'

  • Angela Graham-West, wife of GOP gubernatorial candidate Allen West, was arrested by Dallas Police Friday night for allegedly driving while intoxicated
  • West said his wife hadn’t been drinking, that her three-month-old grandson was in the car with her, and called the arrest 'insidious' in a video on Twitter
Texas gubernatorial candidate Allen West's wife has been arrested for allegedly driving under the influence on Friday night.

West is said to be 'beyond livid' with the Dallas Police Department for the arrest which he insists was wrongful and that his wife was sober at the time.

Angela Graham-West, 61, was driving home from dinner at P.F. Changs with her three-month-old grandson, Jaxton, when she was pulled over for a traffic violation at around 8.45p.m. Friday night in Dallas County, leading to an officer to suspect that she was intoxicated before performing a field sobriety test on her.

After the breathalyzer test, which her husband says 'came up negative', Graham-West was charged with 'Driving While Intoxicated with a Child under 15 Years Old' and stayed in jail overnight before her release on Saturday afternoon, according to Fox News.


PICTURED: Angela Graham-West, wife of Republican Texas gubernatorial candidate Allen West was arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) with her young grandson in the car


Texas Governor candidate Allen West 'livid' after his wife was arrested for DWI with grandkid in car | Daily Mail Online
She definitely doesn’t look drunk in that picture.
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Republican Texas Gubernatorial Candidate Allen West's Wife is Arrested for 'driving while intoxicated with her young grandson'

  • Angela Graham-West, wife of GOP gubernatorial candidate Allen West, was arrested by Dallas Police Friday night for allegedly driving while intoxicated
  • West said his wife hadn’t been drinking, that her three-month-old grandson was in the car with her, and called the arrest 'insidious' in a video on Twitter
Texas gubernatorial candidate Allen West's wife has been arrested for allegedly driving under the influence on Friday night.

West is said to be 'beyond livid' with the Dallas Police Department for the arrest which he insists was wrongful and that his wife was sober at the time.

Angela Graham-West, 61, was driving home from dinner at P.F. Changs with her three-month-old grandson, Jaxton, when she was pulled over for a traffic violation at around 8.45p.m. Friday night in Dallas County, leading to an officer to suspect that she was intoxicated before performing a field sobriety test on her.

After the breathalyzer test, which her husband says 'came up negative', Graham-West was charged with 'Driving While Intoxicated with a Child under 15 Years Old' and stayed in jail overnight before her release on Saturday afternoon, according to Fox News.


PICTURED: Angela Graham-West, wife of Republican Texas gubernatorial candidate Allen West was arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) with her young grandson in the car


Texas Governor candidate Allen West 'livid' after his wife was arrested for DWI with grandkid in car | Daily Mail Online

I am not saying she's guilty but this is an example of dumb. You have no clue what she did pre or post dining.
Is that illegal?

No, but it 100% gets people’s butts put in jail everyday. Resisting arrest and disorderly conduct are the usual go to charges. Notice the first sentence? Bring on the video. If she was simply being an a-hole an expensive attorney will get her charges dropped. But the system will also protect any government tyrants.
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Dallas PD video.

A couple of observations: There are missing segments, but Mrs West was respectful and not combative. At first I thought that the West’s had edited out parts where she could have been a smart ass. But this was DALLAS PD’s YouTube channel.

She was clearly stressed out and didn’t follow instructions perfectly. I had a hard time following the crappy instructions from the cop.

She is a horrible driver. She drifted in her lane. She stops in the middle of the freaking highway instead of pulling to the right. Then she stopped in the road a second time, but there was no audio indicating what the police were telling her to do.

It looks like a bad arrest to me. Worthy of a lane change citation, but getting arrested for that is dumb. She seems like a nice lady and is simply anxious over being put through the tests in a busy street. I think that Dallas PD made a mistake by making that arrest.

Dallas PD video.

A couple of observations: There are missing segments, but Mrs West was respectful and not combative. At first I thought that the West’s had edited out parts where she could have been a smart ass. But this was DALLAS PD’s YouTube channel.

She was clearly stressed out and didn’t follow instructions perfectly. I had a hard time following the crappy instructions from the cop.

She is a horrible driver. She drifted in her lane. She stops in the middle of the freaking highway instead of pulling to the right. Then she stopped in the road a second time, but there was no audio indicating what the police were telling her to do.

It looks like a bad arrest to me. Worthy of a lane change citation, but getting arrested for that is dumb. She seems like a nice lady and is simply anxious over being put through the tests in a busy street. I think that Dallas PD made a mistake by making that arrest.

Typical fishing expedition... oathbreakers strike again.
Typical fishing expedition... oathbreakers strike again.

I thought it was okay to pull her over because she was drifting around while driving. But they ignored the car that obviously tailgated her and I see no reason at all for charging her with DUI. She was clearly not hammered and people have medical reasons for not being perfectly steady with the heal to toe and other physical tests. It looked like she did very well following the tip of the pen with just her eyes while keeping her head still.

Stupid arrest. Stupid tyrant cop… Mrs West was very nice considering what she was being put through. Waiting to see a comment from a higher up in the Dallas PD.
Bad cops. The instructions weren’t clearly communicated to Mrs West by the officer administering the test, it was a very busy and noisy street, and Mrs West was obviously under a great deal of stress during the interrogation. If she was arrested for reckless or inattentive driving it would make more sense (although either would be a reach as far as deserving anything beyond a ticket). Bad law. Bad decision making by the arresting officer. Bad comments by the police chief supporting the arrest.

Dallas police defend DWI arrest of GOP gubernatorial candidate Allen West’s wife as her lawyer questions their evidence
Bad cops. The instructions weren’t clearly communicated to Mrs West by the officer administering the test, it was a very busy and noisy street, and Mrs West was obviously under a great deal of stress during the interrogation. If she was arrested for reckless or inattentive driving it would make more sense (although either would be a reach as far as deserving anything beyond a ticket). Bad law. Bad decision making by the arresting officer. Bad comments by the police chief supporting the arrest.

Dallas police defend DWI arrest of GOP gubernatorial candidate Allen West’s wife as her lawyer questions their evidence
Sounds like guys padding their stats in attempt to climb the ranks faster.
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Dallas PD video.

A couple of observations: There are missing segments, but Mrs West was respectful and not combative. At first I thought that the West’s had edited out parts where she could have been a smart ass. But this was DALLAS PD’s YouTube channel.

She was clearly stressed out and didn’t follow instructions perfectly. I had a hard time following the crappy instructions from the cop.

She is a horrible driver. She drifted in her lane. She stops in the middle of the freaking highway instead of pulling to the right. Then she stopped in the road a second time, but there was no audio indicating what the police were telling her to do.

It looks like a bad arrest to me. Worthy of a lane change citation, but getting arrested for that is dumb. She seems like a nice lady and is simply anxious over being put through the tests in a busy street. I think that Dallas PD made a mistake by making that arrest.

She’s on pills or something. She completely failed the nystagmus test which is the easiest way to judge that someone is under the influence. I wouldn’t have arrested and it could be a political hit job but the traffic stop justification and the failing of the test seem valid
She was all over the shoulder, slow to respond to the emergency signal, and then tried to stop in the middle of traffic on a busy highway.

That’s pretty close to probable cause before she even gets out of the car.
She was all over the shoulder, slow to respond to the emergency signal, and then tried to stop in the middle of traffic on a busy highway.

That’s pretty close to probable cause before she even gets out of the car.

She wasn’t all over the shoulder. Her right wheels were on the shoulder for a few seconds. Most of the time she was holding a steady track in her lane. She’s a bad driver. Arresting her for DWI is bull ****. The cop administering the tests was a mess. “Have you blown up a balloon? It’s like that.” So she puffs, puffs, puffs and the cop couldn’t correct her with concise verbal instructions. She was administered the follow the pen test for several minutes and was barely given a chance to use the breathalyzer before the cop lost patience and whips out the cuffs. Mrs West didn’t appear to be familiar with how the breathalyzer works… kind of like she hasn’t done one before. Horrible judgement by the cop. Mrs West mentions medical issues which the cop did not seem to consider.
She wasn’t all over the shoulder. Her right wheels were on the shoulder for a few seconds. Most of the time she was holding a steady track in her lane. She’s a bad driver. Arresting her for DWI is bull ****. The cop administering the tests was a mess. “Have you blown up a balloon? It’s like that.” So she puffs, puffs, puffs and the cop couldn’t correct her with concise verbal instructions. She was administered the follow the pen test for several minutes and was barely given a chance to use the breathalyzer before the cop lost patience and whips out the cuffs. Mrs West didn’t appear to be familiar with how the breathalyzer works… kind of like she hasn’t done one before. Horrible judgement by the cop. Mrs West mentions medical issues which the cop did not seem to consider.
My elderly father probably would fail those tests as well as he doesn’t hear well and isn’t so good at following instructions. This was a bad arrest.

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