I really liked her story about BB and the advice given about life and ego’s etc. I liked the storylines about Puckett and Stricklin, Wynn and evening Tess Darby ! These kids had good up bringing and families that love and support them .....
I have seen (watched) our McDonalds AA and geeess us . I played and coached this game that I love ! But to see teams not exhibit sound BB principles was very hard to support! All we did was show other teams that great players do not necessarily make the best BB TEAMS.....
I have watched Tess , and Wynn .... but not the others mentioned. But all of these ladies will be a joy to watch . And at my age ,,,,, my heart can’t take anymore of the HW show !
I’ll take this type of person and enjoy their efforts even if we don’t make the FF’s ever again ! Just exhibit good BB PRINCIPLES and play the game right ..... win or lose is ok with me . Looking forward to the future.