2022 Red Wave

Republicans will be in charge. They'll do nothing to change anything that is going on. Possibly double down on a nuclear war
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Won't do anything to reverse policies, amendments, or laws.

The flipside of the coin: with a Democrat congress, Biden has spent the first two years undoing Trump policies and laws.

There's a real ***** proposition here, folks.

You've seen how drastically the left can change society in less than three years. You can waste another vote for a libertarian. You can sit on your hands muttering 'uniparty' and not vote. You can vote Democrat.

Any of the three will ensure more of the 2020-2022 authoritarianism, and then posturing as the remedy of the crap storm they created.

Whether you're a lever-pulling Repub or holding your nose, there's just two damned parties; there will only be two damned parties. If you don't see the difference in this GOP and that preceding Trump, and the difference in this DNC and that preceding the Obama/Biden terms, then you don't see how voters change the parties.

Don't like Mitch, Romney, Lindsay, or the fiscal irresponsibility of either party? Me neither, but FFS you better pragmatically look at the alternative and get over the fact that 'perfect' isn't going to happen.

(this is a generalized comment, not a personal attack on you TClif)
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The flipside of the coin: with a Democrat congress, Biden has spent the first two years undoing Trump policies and laws.

There's a real ***** proposition here, folks.

You've seen how drastically the left can change society in less than three years. You can waste another vote for a libertarian. You can sit on your hands muttering 'uniparty' and not vote. You can vote Democrat.

Any of the three will ensure more of the 2020-2022 authoritarianism, and then posture as the remedy of the crap storm they created.

Whether you're a lever-pulling Repub or holding your nose, there's just two damned parties; there will only be two damned parties. If you don't see the difference in this GOP and that preceding Trump, and the difference in this DNC and that preceding the Obama/Biden terms, then you don't see how voters change the parties.

Don't like Mitch, Romney, Lindsay, or the fiscal irresponsibility of either party? Me neither, but FFS you better pragmatically look at the alternative and get over the fact that 'perfect' isn't going to happen.

^^^^^ please read this post folks...damn.

We understand that GOP guys are not nearly as fiscally conservative as we want them to be.

We get that they have lobbyists just like the socialists do...and are sometimes beholden to them. It sucks. We get it .

THAT DOES NOT MATTER RIGHT NOW. It doesn't. These blind, deaf, and dumb idiots from the socialist Dimwit party are DESTROYING this country at an exponentially increasing rate ... in EVERY WAY that matters. They do this openly, and without excuse.

We HAVE to stop this madness NOW guys...please. This republic teeters on the parapet of destruction NOW. Sitting out instead of voting because there isnt a "perfect " guy on the ballot, or because a Libertarian doesnt stand a chance is EXACTLY what will get another socialist clown elected in many districts for Congress. It will keep these folks Hell bent on destroying America as we have known it in power. It will accelerate our destruction even more.

Vote for the candidate who knows there are biologically exactly 2 human sexes. Who doesnt want to raise taxes on everyone and every business to fund some pork filled fantasy regarding "climate change" . Vote for those who know that a country without real borders is not a real country at all...that 2 plus million illegals every year is an invading force...NOT a policy to be used to gain support and votes from those very same illegal invaders.

Vote for those who want to put an end to this madness and embarrassment of our beloved country. Thank you.
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The flipside of the coin: with a Democrat congress, Biden has spent the first two years undoing Trump policies and laws.

There's a real ***** proposition here, folks.

You've seen how drastically the left can change society in less than three years. You can waste another vote for a libertarian. You can sit on your hands muttering 'uniparty' and not vote. You can vote Democrat.

Any of the three will ensure more of the 2020-2022 authoritarianism, and then posturing as the remedy of the crap storm they created.

Whether you're a lever-pulling Repub or holding your nose, there's just two damned parties; there will only be two damned parties. If you don't see the difference in this GOP and that preceding Trump, and the difference in this DNC and that preceding the Obama/Biden terms, then you don't see how voters change the parties.

Don't like Mitch, Romney, Lindsay, or the fiscal irresponsibility of either party? Me neither, but FFS you better pragmatically look at the alternative and get over the fact that 'perfect' isn't going to happen.

(this is a generalized comment, not a personal attack on you TClif)
I think that the only difference in the two parties is that one is driving us over the cliff at 1000 mph and the other is driving the speed limit over the cliff.

Some of these RINOs are as destructive as these liberals and there are far too many of them to begin with. I don't blame anyone for sitting home.
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I think that the only difference in the two parties is that one is driving us over the cliff at 1000 mph and the other is driving the speed limit over the cliff.

Some of these RINOs are as destructive as these liberals and there are far too many of them to begin with. I don't blame anyone for sitting home.
The ones that sit at home usually bitch the most in my experience.

"Man Trump is a real POS.
Did you vote?
That ain't the point."
I think that the only difference in the two parties is that one is driving us over the cliff at 1000 mph and the other is driving the speed limit over the cliff.

Some of these RINOs are as destructive as these liberals and there are far too many of them to begin with. I don't blame anyone for sitting home.

But then, you're a nihilist whereas most are not.

Yes, some are. Again, most Americans are not nihilists which leaves the choice between good & perfect, better or worst.
The ones that sit at home usually bitch the most in my experience.

"Man Trump is a real POS.
Did you vote?
That ain't the point."
What's the matter with sitting at home? I sat home in 2008 and 2012. And obviously, me voting in 2020 didn''t mean squat.
But then, you're a nihilist whereas most are not.

Yes, some are. Again, most Americans are not nihilists which leaves the choice between good & perfect, better or worst.
Now that is a new attack on me. I've never been called that. What would make you say that? I'm not for breaking up traditional values or the family or the fundamental principles laid out in the Bill of Rights.

What makes me a nihilist in your mind?
Now that is a new attack on me. I've never been called that. What would make you say that? I'm not for breaking up traditional values or the family or the fundamental principles laid out in the Bill of Rights.

What makes me a nihilist in your mind?

Your numerous comments early this year in the Ukraine thread, which express a belief the U.S. needs to collapse so we can start over, that we're too far gone - socially and fiscally - for correction. It's not an attack to identify your convictions as expressed by yourself.

2a: a doctrine or belief that conditions in the social organization are so bad as to make destruction desirable for its own sake independent of any constructive program or possibility
Definition of NIHILISM
I think that the only difference in the two parties is that one is driving us over the cliff at 1000 mph and the other is driving the speed limit over the cliff.

Some of these RINOs are as destructive as these liberals and there are far too many of them to begin with. I don't blame anyone for sitting home.

Give me the speed limit until we can figure out something better. The new populist Republicans get the point. We just need them to demand fiscal responsibility and eventually get rid of McConnell.
Your numerous comments early this year in the Ukraine thread, which express a belief the U.S. needs to collapse so we can start over, that we're too far gone - socially and fiscally - for correction. It's not an attack to identify your convictions as expressed by yourself.

2a: a doctrine or belief that conditions in the social organization are so bad as to make destruction desirable for its own sake independent of any constructive program or possibility
Definition of NIHILISM
My preference would obviously be for these people to be defeated at the ballot box or in a peaceful manner. But if it comes to other measures, that doesn't make me a nihilist. If that is the case, then every revolution in human history is an exercise in nihilism.
Give me the speed limit until we can figure out something better. The new populist Republicans get the point. We just need them to demand fiscal responsibility and eventually get rid of McConnell.
We wasted a decade by supporting McCain and Romney against Obama using that same mentality. And I get what you are saying... buy time... but I am pessimistic to a degree that these guys are going to do anything to change course. That is the issue. We don't need more of the same as we hope to run out the clock. We need a change in direction, which means not supporting RINOs just because they have an (R) by their names rather than (D).
We wasted a decade by supporting McCain and Romney against Obama using that same mentality. And I get what you are saying... buy time... but I am pessimistic to a degree that these guys are going to do anything to change course. That is the issue. We don't need more of the same as we hope to run out the clock. We need a change in direction, which means not supporting RINOs just because they have an (R) by their names rather than (D).

I don't think a lot of the new folks are RINOs. That's why McConnell hasn't been fully on board. There is a mix of marginal and quality candidates, but the democrats have a bunch of marginal candidates as well.
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My preference would obviously be for these people to be defeated at the ballot box or in a peaceful manner. But if it comes to other measures, that doesn't make me a nihilist. If that is the case, then every revolution in human history is an exercise in nihilism.

Changing the character of a party requires discipline & foresight, as does keeping a constitutional republic. Americans have grown lazy in that respect. The attempts to usurp Trump and subsequent lockdown/vax totalitarianism, government collusion with tech media and DOJ/FBI to silence speech, deconstruct language and history, and ideologically separate the child from parent via weaponized 'education' which mind-fks PK-12 kids with anti-science gender dogma, is waking them to the danger. That's the 'revolution' that has to occur; we don't have to collapse to get there. It's a possibility, not a requirement. And if we lack the stomach to do that - armed with a damned fine constitution - what's the chance an actual revolution will produce something better?

If you misspoke a desire for our collapse out of frustration, that, I understand.
Changing the character of a party requires discipline & foresight, as does keeping a constitutional republic. Americans have grown lazy in that respect. The attempts to usurp Trump and subsequent lockdown/vax totalitarianism, government collusion with tech media and DOJ/FBI to silence speech, deconstruct language and history, and ideologically separate the child from parent via weaponized 'education' which mind-fks PK-12 kids with anti-science gender dogma, is waking them to the danger. That's the 'revolution' that has to occur; we don't have to collapse to get there. It's a possibility, not a requirement. And if we lack the stomach to do that - armed with a damned fine constitution - what's the chance an actual revolution will produce something better?

If you misspoke a desire for our collapse out of frustration, that, I understand.

What gets me is the support for such.These Dem supporters think they are bringing in some Euro soft socialism welfare state..yet will be sheep just the same as everyone else. We will have the gov elite and then everyone else.
We saw it with COVID restrictions, CC carbon emissions, everything.
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A vote for Democrats is a vote for extremist legislation. Democrats want to abolish the filibuster and then cram through far left policies and laws. One of those will be to stack the Supreme Court.

Don't give Democrats that kind of power. Just don't

That's 100 percent correct. Republicans are generally puzzies in DC.....especially some of the leadership and senior members. They sure as hell are a TON better than the dems, and it's not even close. There isn't going to be some magical unicorn 3rd party that gains any real traction....ever. We're stuck having to vote for the lesser of two evils.
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That's 100 percent correct. Republicans are generally puzzies in DC.....especially some of the leadership and senior members. They sure as hell are a TON better than the dems, and it's not even close. There isn't going to be some magical unicorn 3rd party that gains any real traction....ever. We're stuck having to vote for the lesser of two evils.

The only way for a real 3rd party breaks through is they are going to have to be included as part of the process from the beginning of the primary season otherwise they will continue to garner a small percent of votes. Voters on both sides would have to be open to it.
That's 100 percent correct. Republicans are generally puzzies in DC.....especially some of the leadership and senior members. They sure as hell are a TON better than the dems, and it's not even close. There isn't going to be some magical unicorn 3rd party that gains any real traction....ever. We're stuck having to vote for the lesser of two evils.
Depressing thought. As long as you continue to vote for the lesser of 2 evils, that what you will continue to get. I bet you voted for McCain and Romney using that same logic.

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