2022 Red Wave

Depressing thought. As long as you continue to vote for the lesser of 2 evils, that what you will continue to get. I bet you voted for McCain and Romney using that same logic.

Sure did. Ashamed of both of them, but the alternative at the time at least, was worse. Hold your nose a pull the lever.

McCain in particular would have been a total squish in the WH....except when it came to making war. Obama did fine wit that though.
The only way for a real 3rd party breaks through is they are going to have to be included as part of the process from the beginning of the primary season otherwise they will continue to garner a small percent of votes. Voters on both sides would have to be open to it.

Right. Never gonna happen. The best we can hope for is infiltration. Libertarians infiltrating the Republicans. The commies already have infiltrated the dems, so......
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