2023 Recruiting

We never were talked about as a joke on the recruiting trail, as for on the court, Kellie hasn't gone as far as Holly in NCAA or SEC. However, keep living in your dream version of the past. Meanwhile, she has signed one major talent, out of high school!. Only one. One only would have to wonder what Holly could have done in the age of transfers. And, that one, has yet, to play a game. She has made her living off Holly's efforts on the recruiting field. So, at least not trash the our former proud tradition by not knowing it. Until recently, Tennessee, was always a top for force on the recruiting trail.Until Kelly can prove that she can do that, but at least a second star player out of high school, we're all going to have to still wonder what happened to our proud tradition. Until Kelly makes the final eight, we're all going to have to still wonder what happened to our proud tradition. And until Kelly wins an SEC tournament. We're all going to have to wonder what happened to our proud tradition. And in case you didn't know, those are all things Holly did.
Get a grip. Holly also lost to Vanderbilt and Alabama in the same season with a bunch of 5-star athletes and was a sinking ship. The woman couldn't coach her way out of a paper bag and that final season of hers almost did Tennessee in for good. We were on our way to OLD Dominion/Louisianna Tech status had Holly continued to coach.
Get a grip. Holly also lost to Vanderbilt and Alabama in the same season with a bunch of 5-star athletes and was a sinking ship. The woman couldn't coach her way out of a paper bag and that final season of hers almost did Tennessee in for good. We were on our way to OLD Dominion/Louisianna Tech status had Holly continued to coach.

4real....Lady vols almost gone like u said if Holly had continued.
We never were talked about as a joke on the recruiting trail, as for on the court, Kellie hasn't gone as far as Holly in NCAA or SEC. However, keep living in your dream version of the past. Meanwhile, she has signed one major talent, out of high school!. Only one. One only would have to wonder what Holly could have done in the age of transfers. And, that one, has yet, to play a game. She has made her living off Holly's efforts on the recruiting field. So, at least not trash the our former proud tradition by not knowing it. Until recently, Tennessee, was always a top for force on the recruiting trail.Until Kelly can prove that she can do that, but at least a second star player out of high school, we're all going to have to still wonder what happened to our proud tradition. Until Kelly makes the final eight, we're all going to have to still wonder what happened to our proud tradition. And until Kelly wins an SEC tournament. We're all going to have to wonder what happened to our proud tradition. And in case you didn't know, those are all things Holly did.

Holly captained the ship while it was still afloat
Coach K has to rebuild the ship that Holly nearly sank
get a grip Chitown,,,or should I say,,,"Holly, is that you?"
We never were talked about as a joke on the recruiting trail, as for on the court, Kellie hasn't gone as far as Holly in NCAA or SEC. However, keep living in your dream version of the past. Meanwhile, she has signed one major talent, out of high school!. Only one. One only would have to wonder what Holly could have done in the age of transfers. And, that one, has yet, to play a game. She has made her living off Holly's efforts on the recruiting field. So, at least not trash the our former proud tradition by not knowing it. Until recently, Tennessee, was always a top for force on the recruiting trail.Until Kelly can prove that she can do that, but at least a second star player out of high school, we're all going to have to still wonder what happened to our proud tradition. Until Kelly makes the final eight, we're all going to have to still wonder what happened to our proud tradition. And until Kelly wins an SEC tournament. We're all going to have to wonder what happened to our proud tradition. And in case you didn't know, those are all things Holly did.

What is interesting is not that someone would type those thoughts but that someone would actually believe what you typed!?!? Being able to SEE what was under the surface and SEE what direction the program was headed was easy. I can't understand how anyone could not see that. Nothing personal against HW but being a head coach at the highest level was WAY over her head. Immense talent made some early results look good in the record books. But it was headed down fast.
Holly captained the ship while it was still afloat
Coach K has to rebuild the ship that Holly nearly sank
get a grip Chitown,,,or should I say,,,"Holly, is that you?"

Coach Kellie took over a sinking program ......
Coach Kellie took over a sinking program ......
The post you are responding to is analogous to being a defender of the Titanic's captain. The defender waxes poetic about what a great job the captain did piloting the ship across the Atlantic but somehow forgets about the iceberg collision.
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Nichols and Booker?

I only guess them because of all the noise Maria has made which is obviously aimed at the other two recruits and what is being told to them.
How was it clear ? She could be referring to Johnson who left after her visit with a cold shoulder ?
Since Chitownvol1129's post was in response to mine, all I have to say back to him or her is that most of us here love Holly, we all know how so very deeply she loves the Lady Vols, and we all desperately wanted her to be capable of maintaining the program's elite status. But because her personality traits are those more of someone who could be more successful as a loyal assistant to someone with stronger leadership qualities, Holly simply wasn't cut out for longterm success as the head coach of a program that demands a top quality head coach. No matter how much we wanted her to be able to find a way to handle that job, it was too much. I hated it for her. I also know that even though she did her best and love Holly Warlick the person, the LVFL whose jersey was the first to be retired, she is not a CEO of a major corporation-type personality. She is better suited to playing a support role, and she played that well for many years under Pat -- and I am grateful to her for that. And for also trying her best as head coach.
Since Chitownvol1129's post was in response to mine, all I have to say back to him or her is that most of us here love Holly, we all know how so very deeply she loves the Lady Vols, and we all desperately wanted her to be capable of maintaining the program's elite status. But because her personality traits are those more of someone who could be more successful as a loyal assistant to someone with stronger leadership qualities, Holly simply wasn't cut out for longterm success as the head coach of a program that demands a top quality head coach. No matter how much we wanted her to be able to find a way to handle that job, it was too much. I hated it for her. I also know that even though she did her best and love Holly Warlick the person, the LVFL whose jersey was the first to be retired, she is not a CEO of a major corporation-type personality. She is better suited to playing a support role, and she played that well for many years under Pat -- and I am grateful to her for that. And for also trying her best as head coach.
My sentiments exactly. Thanks for saying this. Very well put.
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November 9th is just a month and a half away so we will know about 2023 by then. In past years I would've been really worried if we got to this point and didn't have a signee. Not that worried cause even if we get 0 recruits in this class we have 9 returnees and will be the top team in the portal once again offering immediate player time to players for whatever reason who are looking for a different school. I still believe in Nichols being a Lady Vol and I still think Del Rosario has to see the opportunity to play immediately at Tennessee along with Velez also have a great chance for huge minutes. We get those three we will still be looking for a portal super star or two. If we don't we will be looking for a couple more than two.

If Booker rejects Tennessee it would be truly disappointing -- shocking, even -- to me. Of course we all want the kids to be happy wherever they decide to go, but I thought for sure all those unofficial visits she made to Knoxville meant she was possibly so attracted to the Lady Vol atmosphere she couldn't get enough of being around it, so kept coming back.

Maybe that's still not out of the question, regardless of today's scuttlebutt. I sure would love to find out soon that she ultimately chose Tennessee! Goodness. Gotta hope that.
If Booker rejects Tennessee it would be truly disappointing -- shocking, even -- to me. Of course we all want the kids to be happy wherever they decide to go, but I thought for sure all those unofficial visits she made to Knoxville meant she was possibly so attracted to the Lady Vol atmosphere she couldn't get enough of being around it, so kept coming back.

Maybe that's still not out of the question, regardless of today's scuttlebutt. I sure would love to find out soon that she ultimately chose Tennessee! Goodness. Gotta hope that.
the Ball Out is usually spot on tho…unfortunately. Here’s hoping Nichols, ADR and Velez come thru! 🤞🏻

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