This is perfect for me. Is she agile around the basket? Can she put the ball on the floor? Is she an upgrade offensively to TK? Defensively? Mind you I think if she comes she gets solid minutes as a freshman but by her junior year the floor is hers. Do you see a high ceiling?
All good questions….. agile ? Hard to say because she spends some time on the floor! This is because the munchkins get up under and try to push her around when they are not bumping into her and flopping like she ran over them ! I did see her intersept a pass and dribble the full length of the court and make a lay up at full speed !!!! She is offensively better than TK . JMO. Defensively she does not have the ability that TK has to block shots . I think she will be one of our pros from UT ! (IF)