2024 Presidential Race

No, Obama killing Americans overseas. Quite a few people could be indicted at any time... no statute of limitations.
That is EXACTLY the reason liberals should WELCOME the Supreme Courts recent immunity ruling. Obama can convincingly state that the killings were “official acts” in his capacity as Commander in Chief and occurred in a war zone. As I have constantly pointed out to those on the left, that ruling covers far more Democrat messes than Republican.

Only way I can reconcile the below, is she has Zero support from Independents. Headline is manure.

A new poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that about 6 in 10 Democrats believe Kamala Harris would do a good job in the top slot. About 2 in 10 Democrats don’t believe she would, and another 2 in 10 say they don’t know enough to say.

As for Americans more broadly, they are more skeptical of how Harris would perform in the Oval Office. Only about 3 in 10 U.S. adults overall say Harris would do well as president. About half say Harris would not do a good job in the role, and 2 in 10 say they don’t know enough to say.

Only way I can reconcile the below, is she has Zero support from Independents. Headline is manure.

A new poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that about 6 in 10 Democrats believe Kamala Harris would do a good job in the top slot. About 2 in 10 Democrats don’t believe she would, and another 2 in 10 say they don’t know enough to say.

As for Americans more broadly, they are more skeptical of how Harris would perform in the Oval Office. Only about 3 in 10 U.S. adults overall say Harris would do well as president. About half say Harris would not do a good job in the role, and 2 in 10 say they don’t know enough to say.

“Most Democrats think Kamala Harris would make good president”​

Based on what??? What has she shown that would make anyone believe she would make a good President?

What they truly mean is “We think we can use the identity politics angle in our favor, and that’s the only play we really got right now”.
Anyone that didn't see he had a serious mental deterioration in 2019-2020 probably needs to have their own heads looked at. The sane ones (not LG of course) knew the guy had dementia in 2019-2020, it was easily viewable for all to see. They only cared when the polls went negative pre-debate. LG is a lunatic, he will say anything to try and get his way.

He most likely has had dementia for 5-8 years, the rumor of Parkinson's disease seems possible as well... that is besides the rumors of mini-strokes during this time.

The dems elected Jill in 2020 (supposedly), they are now just unhappy with the polls.... nothing is really different.

Even Luther and LG knew, they are just too prideful to admit it and change sides. Come on, Lawgator and LutherVol, come to the light side.
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Even Luther and LG knew, they are just too prideful to admit it and change sides. Come on, Lawgator and LutherVol, come to the light side.

Luther is just old and I give him a break as he has been brainwashed. LG is just a nutso (as he puts it).

For the record, I don't vote... I never tell people what they should be doing but I do sometimes open up ideas for different paths.

None of those people make any sense that I can tell. LG is blaming the dems the other day for giving him bad candidates, but he keeps voting for them and probably giving them money. The problem is himself.
From the article:

“Trump considers himself a keen negotiator, so he often takes maximalist positions before engaging,” said Drew Thompson, a former Pentagon official and a senior fellow at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore. “Smart governments around the world should actively evaluate their value proposition to the United States and how they can articulate that value to the next president, whoever that may be.”

This guy "gets" Trump. Hardline negotiators stake out extreme opening positions so that they can give concessions and still arrive in a great position at the conclusion of negotiations.

The mainstream media and the leftist morons from the Obama and Biden administrations have never run businesses, so they understand this point.

As an example, Trump's hardline stance on the European countries actually meeting their funding commitments for NATO already has European leaders considering doubling or tripling their next next bond issuance so they can fund NATO.
Obama & Biden also never seen the United States as being better than other countries. IMO
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MSNBC host Alex Wagner argued that the GOP's pick for vice president, JD Vance, dropped "Easter eggs of White nationalism" by saying during his speech on Wednesday that he wanted to be buried in his family's plot in Kentucky.

"I just think the construction of this notion reveals a lot about someone who fundamentally believes in the supremacy of whiteness and masculinity, and it’s couched in a sort of halcyon, you know, revisitation of his roots, but it is actually really revealing about what he thinks matters and who America is, and that America is a place for people with his shared Western background," Wagner said.

He is, quite possibly, the WORST white nationalist ever.

I mean, play this out:

He literally planted his own seed within his brown wife's actual "Eastern"eggs (see what I did there!?) Only can only presume the chore, because, well, isn't it obvious? It goes against the "construction of the notion", although I admit is is a novel way to "share" a "Western Background."

Now, he appears to be nurturing his three brown children to be Amurrrricans. That traitor.

He even had the nerve to state he hoped those little brown people, and assumably, their brown-and-maybe-even-browner descendants, would one day be buried under the dirt next to him and his lily-white ancestors in what should rightfully be a whites-only family plot.

One can only hope Vance only intended his cemetery comment for the brown males born to the brown woman, otherwise he is not only destroying the rooted racial purity of the dirt, but also the deeply masculine nature of those halcyon roots. He should have suggested brown daughter should go find a femi-white supremacist plot to desicrate, so he at least could maintain some semblance of patriarchical dominion, as intended.

JD Vance may be a lot of things, but a white nationalist bigot doesn't seem to be supported by the facts.
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Get back some respect. Great


Do you consider this a sign of respect from world leaders?

This is video from when Donald Trump went into one of his wild boasts at a United Nations Assembly .... and he was laughed at. Trump later tried to claim that he was going for a laugh, but that doesn't make any sense because he used to make the same boast when speaking to his followers, where it would be met with applause. Also, if Trump was expecting laughter, why did he admit to being surprised by it? He genuinely looks caught off guard at being laughed at.
Why aren't repubs screaming for it???????

Did Trump even mention it in his speach?

Has anyone at the repub. convention?

There isn't a single Republican that is in a position that would grant him or her any say in the invocation of the 25th. If the Republicans don't believe that Biden is competent to serve, their only recourse is to beat him at the ballot box.
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This couldn't be going better for someone like me. The Democratic party is showing their true face, it is all about power and not about their constituents or making our nation better. They are the elitists (something that I have known for some time). Republicans definitely have their issues but the other side is just out of touch with everything.

Agreed. The Republicans are full of shat! Talk a good game, but never deliver on what they run on, their platform is good by me, but they just end up business as usual in the end. The Democrats ... well, they are just insane and stand for almost nothing helpful to the country, elitist idiots.
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There isn't a single Republican that is in a position that would grant him or her any say in the invocation of the 25th. If the Republicans don't believe that Biden is competent to serve, their only recourse is to beat him at the ballot box.
They could certainly make the case that the dems should be using the 25th.

Only way I can reconcile the below, is she has Zero support from Independents. Headline is manure.

A new poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that about 6 in 10 Democrats believe Kamala Harris would do a good job in the top slot. About 2 in 10 Democrats don’t believe she would, and another 2 in 10 say they don’t know enough to say.

As for Americans more broadly, they are more skeptical of how Harris would perform in the Oval Office. Only about 3 in 10 U.S. adults overall say Harris would do well as president. About half say Harris would not do a good job in the role, and 2 in 10 say they don’t know enough to say.

only 60% of the party? 20% of the party doesn't think she would make a good POTUS? Not sure that's a positive story for her.
It's no game.
It's reasonable to think he can be POTUS for 6 months but not for four and a half years.
It's not. You are being intellectually dishonest. No one watched that and said "he's ok but I'm worried about 4 years from now." We all watched that and said that man doesn't have the mental faculties to do the job. All of America who watched that debate:


Good video showing how the bullets made their impact and it was actually a fairly tight target area. Not horrible for just a red dot at that range, on a metal roof with no rest, with police harassing, etc. This doesn't mean there couldn't have been another shooter but shows that one shooter from that location could have hit those targets.

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