2024 Presidential Race

Agreed. This was the right thing to do. After seeing that debate with Trump, then following it up with "Vice President Trump", it was clear a change was needed. My issue is I do not love Kamala Harris, she could change my mind though. We'll see.
We'll see pretty quickly. The endorsements for her are pouring in.
The Dems just lost their biggest campaign slogan..threat to democracy.
Oh they will still use it…..and the shrieking blue haired harpies that form the backbone of their base will still believe it. Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking that logical thinking means anything to most “democrats”
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Stalin is a trumper. He would hate seeing the voices of the people carrying so much weight.
You dont understand this process at all. The Biden delegates have already been chosen by the voters. Those same delegates are being forced to vote for someone else.
My dream ticket, and it would win :

Gov. Andy Beshear (Kentucky) ............... President
Gov. Roy Cooper (North Carolina) ......... Vice President

What I expect Democrats to shoot themselves in the head with ......

VP Kamala Harris ......................................... President
Gov. Josh Shapiro (Pennsylvania) .......... Vice President

There are no negatives to having a Democratic Party ticket with two moderate Governors from red southeastern states. Beshear/Cooper would win.
bar has been low since 2012 for your party. Thanks Obamacare

I suppose it helped some super poor people (but that is what Medicaid is for)..or someone somewhere with a pre-existing condition..(but that is not the majority of people)..but it devastated the middle class.. pre ObamaCare, I got a private BCBS policy four people.. 500 dollar deductible, 110 dollars.. that policy today would be 1600 a month, easily, while most people’s wages have really not gone up, it’s sad.. like most Dem policies, their heart was in the right place, but it made things worse
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Mght be, but it is funny to me. I recall going to some event or another years ago that was attended by a sign language person on the stage, due to a number of deaf people participating. One hand covering the ear, the other in a raised fist. One of the sign language people told me it was a sort of like John Carlos and Tommy Smith doing the Black Power salute at the 1968 Olympics. But in the case of the deaf participants, their gesture meant deaf power. I wonder if the Cardinals know what they are doing?

Watch the MAGAs go postal.
You dont understand this process at all. The Biden delegates have already been chosen by the voters. Those same delegates are being forced to vote for someone else.
Please - those delegates are gladly moving to someone else. They know it's the will of the people.
Oh they will still use it…..and the shrieking blue haired harpies that form the backbone of their base will still believe it. Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking that logical thinking means anything to most “democrats”
Dems are gonna Dem..but that doesnt gain any credibility with Independents, which is all that matters.
Ignores the average person (especially all of Western Canada), passes oppressive laws, can't speak or build coalitions worth a darn, engages in tyranny (look at trucker situation), makes it impossible to do business with Canada, steps all over freedom of religion by closing churches, etc.

Guy is far worse than any leader in US. Imagine if he was around for Canada in 1940? Yikes.

I see Canadians coming here in droves complaining about insane taxes, broken medical system, broken economy, etc.
I am friends with a left leaning Canadian and he cannot stand Trudeau. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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