2024 Presidential Race

The irony in this… the man was nearly killed.
It should be clear that I meant that from a political standpoint, he has had a good month. He did very well in a debate. He gave a good speech last night (his speech at the RNC was too long and boring, but hasn't hurt him). He looked strong and defiant in the face of assassination attempt.

That social media post was whining, however. You don't get to choose who your opponent is.
Beshaer is running for governor as a shoe in. Would he really want to give that up and sit for 8 years, or hitch to a losing Harris. He can be the headliner another day.
Shapiro is strong Israeli supporter and Jewish. Oh boy how would that fly with the progs.
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I cant see them nominating this Ditz. Heck if you are rolling dice, go big.
I think it will be Newsom. He will get a mulligan due to short time frame and it really wouldnt be a hit on him, like that matters anyways, ie Trump, Biden, etc. Not to mention Pelosi being her nephew, and hasnt endorsed Harris.
I said before and I'll say it again, Kamala has about as much chance of beating Trump as Biden did, which is to say none. The Dems screwed themselves by creating this situation where there almost HAVE to give it to Kamala in this scenario.

I think their best odds would be to hold an "open convention" and rig it for someone like Mark Kelly to win. Astronaut vs Trump sounds like a marketable strategy. However I am guessing that it is essentially already set in stone that it will be Harris.
All this 🐃💩 talk from democrats on saving democracy and they just successfully pulled off the biggest coup in American political history by unsurping the power of the President to successfully be reelected.
But their sheep will not understand. They will simply baa and continue to blindly follow them
I said before and I'll say it again, Kamala has about as much chance of beating Trump as Biden did, which is to say none. The Dems screwed themselves by creating this situation where there almost HAVE to give it to Kamala in this scenario.

I think their best odds would be to hold an "open convention" and rig it for someone like Mark Kelly to win. Astronaut vs Trump sounds like a marketable strategy. However I am guessing that it is essentially already set in stone that it will be Harris.

Astronaut vs the creator of Space Force!

Is it smart politically to be Pro-Trump and bashing Kamala Harris right now?

She is who you should want to run against. Republicans should wait until she is formally nominated at the Democratic National Convention to go after her with guns blazing. I don't think I would be weighing in on it right now. You just might talk the Democrats into picking someone else, and just about anyone else is a better choice.
I am gonna follow Obama and Pelosi and if they havent endorsed Harris, then it will be truly open..imo.

If Harris was already set in stone, Obama and Pelosi would have already endorsed her, and Pelosi wouldn't be calling for an open convention.

At the end of the day, I think Harris is the safe pick, but I don't think it's set in stone yet.

If Harris was already set in stone, Obama and Pelosi would have already endorsed her, and Pelosi wouldn't be calling for an open convention.

At the end of the day, I think Harris is the safe pick, but I don't think it's set in stone yet.

yes/no - could be they fully anticipate she'll win at the convention (an open convention is going to happen one way or another) and want to legitimize her by saying she won it at the convention.

they'll say our best candidate won
I said before and I'll say it again, Kamala has about as much chance of beating Trump as Biden did, which is to say none. The Dems screwed themselves by creating this situation where there almost HAVE to give it to Kamala in this scenario.

I think their best odds would be to hold an "open convention" and rig it for someone like Mark Kelly to win. Astronaut vs Trump sounds like a marketable strategy. However I am guessing that it is essentially already set in stone that it will be Harris.
Liberals/progressives have been preaching old white men are the problem. Can’t replace the DEI #2 with another old white man.
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