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2024 Presidential Race

Top European official blasts Kamala Harris as ‘invisible’ in hot mic moment​

A top European official was caught on a hot mic earlier this year blasting Kamala Harris as “invisible” and arguing that the vice president “would never win an election.”

Isabel Schnabel, an executive board member of the European Central Bank, provided her damning assessment of President Biden’s potential replacement in February, during a private conversation prior to an event, Politico reported on Monday.

“They should have built up another candidate to Kamala Harris from the beginning,” Schnabel said in private remarks, unaware that she was on a live-stream with audio.

“She would never win an election, I mean that’s hopeless,” the European banking official said of Harris.


Donald Trump wasn't an architect of anything. Nobody should be saying that he was.

As far as planning to implement it? The problem Trump has, is named John McEntee. I mentioned him in my first post concerning Project 2025.

Here is more :

Please read the above article. The man pictured walking next to Donald Trump is one of Project 2025's leaders. His name is John McEntee. So, once again, it was stupid for Trump to say that he didn't know who was behind Project 2025. However, that is not what makes McEntee such an important figure here.

John McEntee (apparently, an idiot) went on record with saying that Project 2025's agenda would be "integrated" into the official Trump campaign.

Please click on the above link. My focus is on the end of the first paragraph. It reads as follows :

"For instance, one of the many close advisors who now works on Project 2025 is John McEntee, former Trump White House personnel director. McEntee has already confirmed that the plan is to "integrate" Project 2025 into the official Trump campaign."

The problem is not with Democrats or with the media. The problem is with John McEntee, as I said in my first post on this topic. Donald Trump compounded the problem by lying about not knowing who was behind Project 2025. He knows John McEntee and that is easily proven, That is John McEntee walking next to Donald Trump in front of the Oval Office, when Trump President. They have been friends for many years and that is also easily proven with pictures of them together.

Will you please read that article I just linked in this post? I'm not trying to be a jerk here.

I read the article - it was almost entirely about the dating site McEntee set up and the only link to P25 and Trump is that he says he'll try to integrate some of it into the Trump agenda.

That's it.

You left out that Stephen Miller said this about his own work with P25

In a statement to ABC News, Miller said, "I have zero involvement with Project 2025. Zero. None. I made an advice video a long while back for students. I have no involvement with the project whatsoever."

The left has certainly trying to link P25 as Trump agenda but the evidence is scant and as I've pointed out Trump has made significant changes to RNC policy that run directly counter to P25.

At best you seem to be saying that some people that worked for Trump in some capacity also worked on P25 (role unknown) and because Trump said he didn't know about that somehow he's confessing his guilt that he's actually full on P25.

Believe what you want but you have to ignore evidence to get there.
All that money that you acknowledged not having because inflation ( meaning you could have more). Life could be better, nothing wrong with being comfortable. 401k is small mans flex…real money is in individual trading.
I don't trust Trump to navigate the complexities of inflation. He's demonstrated a poor command of global issues and mortgaged our middle class structures to plunder the treasury for billionaires. I'm not interested in flexing that I'm loaded. I'm just interested in protecting the middle class.

Inflation would be an issue under any president. Biden navigated it fairly well.
"No .... I don't who is behind Project 2025. John McEntee? Who the hell is that?" - Donald Trump

"Uh, Mr. President .... Isn't this a picture of you and Mr. McEntee walking in front of the Oval Office together?" - Reporter

"WITCH HUNT!" - Donald Trump

"No .... I don't who is behind Project 2025. John McEntee? Who the hell is that?" - Donald Trump

"Uh, Mr. President .... Isn't this a picture of you and Mr. McEntee walking in front of the Oval Office together?" - Reporter

"WITCH HUNT!" - Donald Trump


why make up quotes? if you the facts are on your side why lie (so I've been told)
I read the article - it was almost entirely about the dating site McEntee set up and the only link to P25 and Trump is that he says he'll try to integrate some of it into the Trump agenda.
Did you read the end of the first paragraph?

.... and Trump has clearly lied about not knowing who is behind Project 2025. That will throw gasoline on the fire.
The left has certainly trying to link P25 as Trump agenda but the evidence is scant and as I've pointed out Trump has made significant changes to RNC policy that run directly counter to P25.
That is ridiculous. It just shows the extent you will go to, in order to defend Donald Trump ..... It's beyond pathetic.

You are a cult. Drink that Flavor-Aid while you still can.
Did you read the end of the first paragraph?

.... and Trump has clearly lied about not knowing who is behind Project 2025. That will throw gasoline on the fire.

Holy crap. There is an ocean of difference between not knowing who's behind Project 2025 and not knowing individual people. Has Trump said that he does not know who Stephen Miller or John McEntee are?
Did you read the end of the first paragraph?

.... and Trump has clearly lied about not knowing who is behind Project 2025. That will throw gasoline on the fire.

I did indeed - and I followed the link to where it came from and Salon turned "we're gonna integrate a lot of our work with them. " into McEntee has already confirmed that the plan is to "integrate" Project 2025 into the official Trump campaign.

So Salon turns it into Trump is adopting it all and is onboard.

I'm still curious why you don't have any criticism for the exaggerated connection between Trump and P25; none for people on the left who say it's his agenda and how you continue to ignore the substantive changes Trump made to the RNC agenda that run 180 to P25.
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I did indeed - and I followed the link to where it came from and Salon turned "we're gonna integrate a lot of our work with them. " into McEntee has already confirmed that the plan is to "integrate" Project 2025 into the official Trump campaign.

So Salon turns it into Trump is adopting it all and is onboard.

I'm still curious why you don't have any criticism for the exaggerated connection between Trump and P25; none for people on the left who say it's his agenda and how you continue to ignore the substantive changes Trump made to the RNC agenda that run 180 to P25.
No. Salon quoted McEntee and let his words speak for themselves. CBS News and Time have done the same thing. There is no misinterpreting that for what it is. McEntee said that Project 2025 would be "integrated" into the official Trump campaign.

Trump has not only lied about not knowing who is behind Project 2025, he has also called them "extremists and radicals" and compared them with the radical left .... However, John McEntee was his White House Director of Personnel Management. He's talking about his own people.
No, to be crystal clear here what's "pathetic" is you not recognizing that it's entirely reasonable for a guy to know nothing about a project/effort with which several of the many people connected to his administration may or may not have ties.
No. It's not reasonable to think that Donald Trump didn't know John McEntee and didn't know that McEntee was a leader of Project 2025. This is why the echo chamber on here deserves to be called a cult. You are making unreasonable leaps of faith to support your belief system. It's pathetic.
It's not reasonable to think that Donald Trump didn't know John McEntee

Agreed, that would be a tough claim to make. Where did Trump say that he doesn't know John McEntee?

It's not reasonable to think that Donald Trump didn't know that McEntee was a leader of Project 2025.
... why is that, exactly? He's a 34-year-old guy who hasn't been involved with Trump for several years; is Donald supposed to know the ongoings of every single former staffer?
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why is that, exactly? He's a 34-year-old guy who hasn't been involved with Trump for several years
Per CNN : McEntee has been a guest at Mar-a-Lago on multiple occasions since Trump left office. It strains credulity to suggest that McEntee hasn't told him what he's been up to. They are clearly friends.
No. Salon quoted McEntee and let his words speak for themselves. CBS News and Tim have done the same thing. There is no misinterpreting that for what it is. McEntee said that Project 2025 would be "integrated" into the official Trump campaign.

Trump has not only lied about not knowing who is behind Project 2025, he has also called them "extremists and radicals" and compared them with the radical left .... However, John McEntee was his White House Director of Personnel Management. He's talking about his own people.

Salon did not quote him unless you consider a single word "integrate" a quote. They linked where they got their statement which has more words in it.

Further, if you look at the original source you'll see the interview is not complete. (posted below)

JOHN BICKLEY (DAILY WIRE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF): Now you're working with Project 2025. That's with The Heritage Foundation.


And have you been coordinating directly with Trump or the Trump campaign on this?

JOHN MCENTEE (PROJECT 2025 SENIOR ADVISER): You know, I think we've kept them pretty separate for now. I think the candidate and the campaign need to keep their eye on the ball. They need to be totally focused on winning. We're totally focused on what happens after and, leaving superstition aside, I don't think it's good to mix the two.

Obviously, there will need to be coordination and the president and his team will announce an official transition this summer, and we're gonna integrate a lot of our work with them. But I think keeping the two separate is actually the most beneficial way to go about it.

If you understand the use of the elipse (...) you know that means they've moved on in the transcript. The link between the McEntee "integrate" comment and P25 policy is not there.

Follow the link in the Salon article and actually listen to the original interview. You'll see McEntee is referring to training political appointees how to deal with questions/the press etc. Media Matters chopped it up into him saying he plans to integrate a lot of our work (implying p25 policy) then Salon took it to the next level saying they just plan to "integrate" P25 into the agenda.

You got duped. Listen for yourself
Per CNN : McEntee has been a guest at Mar-a-Lago on multiple occasions since Trump left office. It strains credulity to suggest that McEntee hasn't told him what he's been up to. They are clearly friends.

Okay, so you just made up the part about Trump saying that he doesn't know who McEntee is. Figures.

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