Yeah, that teenager that died last week because she couldn't get an abortion has nothing to do with it. Or forcing rape victims to have babies. We all just want to freely kill all the babies. Duh.
You know, this is a very frustrating take on abortion from both sides- let's say for brevity we'll call this RIH (rape, incest, harm to mother).
First, let's just all agree there will never be a national ban on abortion. Trump himself said he doesn't support it. Many republicans say I ONLY support abortion for RIH....Democrats say I support abortion BECAUSE of RIH. In actuality, neither side gives a crap until it's near election time or seems advantageous to them.
Much like old west bank robbers (who would light on fire the furthest building from the bank to create a distraction) abortion, trans, etc. issues are merely distractions to keep people from paying attention to the crushing debt these buffoons are imposing upon our great grandchildren. If Kamala knew for certain that flipping to pro-life would win her the election, she would do it tonight. Vice versa for Trump. These people do not care about you or the future of this country.
RIH accounts for about 1.5% of all abortions. Only 8% of abortions are done by people aged 19 and under. 90%-ish of abortions are done by adult women and have nothing to do with life-or-death situations.
Abortions hit their all-time high around the end of Regan/beginning of HW Bush at around 1.5mil per year. That number steadily dropped over the decades to an all-time low of 850,000 in 2017 (down around 50% from an all-time high in 1991). Many celebrated/bemoaned the overturn of Rowe v Wade. Few realize abortions have actually gone up since then. Trump was the first President in 30+ years that saw an increase in abortions during his term (8%). Some say limiting funding for birth control caused this, while others say it was due to expanded access to abortions in liberal states.
No matter what side you're on, I think most would agree it's typically not a great experience for women. Access to contraceptives has been shown to be the best tool for driving down abortions.
But hey, if the need for abortions went away, that would be one less thing for the left/right to get people riled up about. They don't want these complicated issues eliminated; they want you distracted.