2024 Presidential Race

Did you say the same thing when the ho mention her price controls? Pr are you JUST now bringing that up?
Yes I did. Price controls are idiotic no matter whose idea they are.

Here's a post from me in August whe Kamala started discussing price controls:

She's an absolute moron. Every damn economic idea she floated is horrible.

Here's a post from me back in 2022 about price controls:
Perhaps Republicans, unlike their liberal Democratic colleagues, actually understand basic economics and realize that price controls result in supply shortages.
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He's just insufferable at this point. No wonder everyone that gets to know him soon abandons him.
Yeah, about that……..

So, even as a lawyer, how do you afford insurance at all on that big ole glass house you inhabit? Hmm?
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This is very true, the damage is done. Now, we are in a spending death spiral. The Republicans need to get back to being the fiscal hawks they used to be. The next President will face a recession....and probably a pretty bad one. One driven by government spending, inflation, and personal debt. You don't pull out of that in a mere 18 months or so.
Where are these "fiscal hawks" you speak of? Last time I looked, Republicans run the debt up more than Dems.

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