The shoe is on the wrong foot here. People are awful, esp behind anonymous keyboards. So stop reading it! Turn off the comments, make DMs private if you must feed your social media addiction . If food upsets my stomach I don't eat it, if the bridge is out I don't drive over it. The players and other public people have to stop feeding these trolls by reading and responding. SocIal media is not mandatory, they can only hurt you if you invite them in. Unfortunately their behavior isn't going to change. Yours can.This is why whatever "fans" think/feel needs to be expressed during and after games should always, IMO, lean more toward trying to be compassionate and kind regardless of performance instead of "honestly" harsh and hurtful. These are kids with broken hearts, and when the chips are this far down that's when they need the MOST unconditional love and support, NOT "I'm just being honest" negative critiques. I mean, there was someone on the board yesterday who actually thought the best response to that epically gutsy game was to reduce it to saying Alabama had "choked."
Good grief.
Here's the real honest take:
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I got it… worries. Enjoy the games the next few days, I know I will try to catch most or all of them. It’s a great time of the year.Hoping for a meteor more than Maryland winning...
You South Carolina fans are so easy to annoy.I got it… worries. Enjoy the games the next few days, I know I will try to catch most or all of them. It’s a great time of the year.
Side note: I don’t believe OK can beat UConn, but it would be exciting if they could pull that off.