My hope is that Cooper works on her focus technique, tightens up her handle, and also develops some effective head/shot/pass fakes in the offseason. She already has a fantastic scorer's mentality and has the hand and foot speed few players are blessed with. She just needs a couple of tweaks to go from the terrific player she is now to a nearly unstoppable force of nature. Talaysia already blows my mind with how dominating she can be. Imagine if she takes it up another notch or two?
Speaking of "fakes," I want to take this opportunity to heap praise on Lazaria Spearman, whom I have seen making several minor, but effective, fake moves when she's on the perimeter about to make a move toward the basket. I have literally jumped out of my seat for joy from seeing that. I hope this offseason she'll add a couple more wrinkles to her "fake" repertoire, too.
I know I sound like a broken record, but developing effective ball/head/shot/pass fakes is something EVERY PLAYER can do on her own after a brief period of having a staff member watching and ensuring the move is being done correctly/legally before then just taking it upon herself to do thousands of repetitions of those moves until they are firmly committed to muscle memory.
Anyway... I SEE YOU, MS. SPEARMAN! Thank you for making me smile.