2026 QB Faizon Brandon's Mom to sue state of NC



Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2011

I found it interesting that private school athletes can profit but public school athletes cant. Something seems off about that. Looking for more info on the decision.

So 2025 OT Sanders has a website and selling merchandise but Faizon cant.

I found it interesting that private school athletes can profit but public school athletes cant. Something seems off about that. Looking for more info on the decision.

So 2025 OT Sanders has a website and selling merchandise but Faizon cant.
Sounds bass ackwards

I found it interesting that private school athletes can profit but public school athletes cant. Something seems off about that. Looking for more info on the decision.

So 2025 OT Sanders has a website and selling merchandise but Faizon cant.
Private Schools don't receive government funding. All their operating costs come from tuition and private donations with some states allowing scholarships and grants in certain situations. Without being funded by the government, it would make sense that they not be subject to the same government regulations.
Private Schools don't receive government funding. All their operating costs come from tuition and private donations with some states allowing scholarships and grants in certain situations. Without being funded by the government, it would make sense that they not be subject to the same government regulations.
North Carolina has a voucher system that pays $4,200 in tuition per year per student attending a private school. While there are limitations to this, the state is spending more and more to fund private school tuition. The use of taxpayer dollars spent on private schools is limiting funding to public schools and has been controversial.
Private Schools don't receive government funding. All their operating costs come from tuition and private donations with some states allowing scholarships and grants in certain situations. Without being funded by the government, it would make sense that they not be subject to the same government regulations.
BS!! Keep the playing field level! What's good for the goose is good for the gander!! Sorta goes back to the old saying "them thats got,,, gets!"
As long as we can afford the best players consistently then I’m fine. This is the most excited I’ve been about college football in awhile.
There will no longer be a need for the term VFL. They will only be a VOL until someone outbids us. Forget about stadium and facilities upgrades once the university becomes financially responsible for the athletes as "employees". The entire budget will be spent on paying youngsters that are, for the most part, not mature enough to handle the sudden influx of wealth. Child actors have not lived very long lives, on average, for the same reason. I would be more excited if they were all coming here for the right reasons and not just as mercenaries. Not one single coach or player at ANY level of sports deserves to make the money they do. There are a lot of people with jobs that can have a legitimate effect on everyone that don't make as much combined.
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Private Schools don't receive government funding. All their operating costs come from tuition and private donations with some states allowing scholarships and grants in certain situations. Without being funded by the government, it would make sense that they not be subject to the same government regulations.
That is the basis for the law, but the law is flawed. Universities do not pay the players, private NIL collectives pay the players, thus the government funded universities are not out anything for NIL. There is little chance the law is upheld in court. JMHO
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Didn't use to be on a professional level. The players in football make far more than most in the minor leagues of baseball.
Perhaps they should, as the longevity of playing careers is vastly different. Baseball players rarely have ACL injuries, etc., when compared to the college football players.
College football has always been pro football's minor league. No breaking news there.
Player cost is about 100X what it was before, though. That's what makes it interesting. Tennessee is generally advantaged by this fact.

Glad it ain't my money.
There will no longer be a need for the term VFL. They will only be a VOL until someone outbids us. Forget about stadium and facilities upgrades once the university becomes financially responsible for the athletes as "employees". The entire budget will be spent on paying youngsters that are, for the most part, not mature enough to handle the sudden influx of wealth. Child actors have not lived very long lives, on average, for the same reason. I would be more excited if they were all coming here for the right reasons and not just as mercenaries. Not one single coach or player at ANY level of sports deserves to make the money they do. There are a lot of people with jobs that can have a legitimate effect on everyone that don't make as much combined.
So you don’t understand how capitalism works I take it?
There will no longer be a need for the term VFL. They will only be a VOL until someone outbids us. Forget about stadium and facilities upgrades once the university becomes financially responsible for the athletes as "employees". The entire budget will be spent on paying youngsters that are, for the most part, not mature enough to handle the sudden influx of wealth. Child actors have not lived very long lives, on average, for the same reason. I would be more excited if they were all coming here for the right reasons and not just as mercenaries. Not one single coach or player at ANY level of sports deserves to make the money they do. There are a lot of people with jobs that can have a legitimate effect on everyone that don't make as much combined.
I think that NIL compensation and collectives is actually a very clever way to actually avoid having universities pay athletes as employees. By utilizing the collectives, the university avoids player NIL reimbursement as part of any budget.

There is absolutely no reason why any human shouldn’t be able to profit off their own name, image or likeness. Those are literally what defines an individual and no one should have more of an opportunity to gain from those than that individual.

And, in our monetary system, one “deserves” exactly the amount someone else will pay for their services.
There will no longer be a need for the term VFL. They will only be a VOL until someone outbids us. Forget about stadium and facilities upgrades once the university becomes financially responsible for the athletes as "employees". The entire budget will be spent on paying youngsters that are, for the most part, not mature enough to handle the sudden influx of wealth. Child actors have not lived very long lives, on average, for the same reason. I would be more excited if they were all coming here for the right reasons and not just as mercenaries. Not one single coach or player at ANY level of sports deserves to make the money they do. There are a lot of people with jobs that can have a legitimate effect on everyone that don't make as much combined.
Or maybe VFL will be more prestigious and only given to those who stay throughout their entire college career. By the way we were paying our players long before this.
There will no longer be a need for the term VFL. They will only be a VOL until someone outbids us. Forget about stadium and facilities upgrades once the university becomes financially responsible for the athletes as "employees". The entire budget will be spent on paying youngsters that are, for the most part, not mature enough to handle the sudden influx of wealth. Child actors have not lived very long lives, on average, for the same reason. I would be more excited if they were all coming here for the right reasons and not just as mercenaries. Not one single coach or player at ANY level of sports deserves to make the money they do. There are a lot of people with jobs that can have a legitimate effect on everyone that don't make as much combined.
I’m all for child labor. Let’s go straight North Korea on these players. Nil deals of a couple nickels.

Should I have to blue font this.

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