Sad for Brantley. He was 11-16 for 190 in the first half. Bama clearly cannot pass cover. Uf has bo receivers or a true rb. Game really should be 17-10 but hey...s**it happens.
Never wish that for a kid and hope it's not bad but if it does turn out to be an injury that limits his PT this season to any extent than the east is more open after tonight than any of us thought.
What happened on that weird sack and fumble that wasn't a fumble? Caught it out of the corner of my eye and couldn't tell what was going on (watching DET-NYY for now).
You know, I have to say...I can't stand Spurrier, but one of the funniest damn things he ever did at UF was punt on 3rd down to teach his offense a lesson. It was awesome.
The bailed out TD I didn't like....but I hate that Brantley's season is potentially over....Hunter will be back.....Only thing is if Brantley can reshirt....thank God they did not get the 3