My steps to improving the country...................
1) Tell any company that comes asking for a bailout to take a hike and start looking for new jobs.
2) Get some kind of healthcare reform done. I really don't care how small or minute it may be, just get it done. While we do have the best doctors and technological innovations in the world, the system to acquire the care just flat out sucks
3) No, I wouldn't vote the opposite party just because it would balance out the system(besides, living in East TN, the majority of the people would vote R anyways), but I would vote republican if I thought they were actually about improving the nation. Yes, a balance in power tends to lend itself to a better presidency overall(ask Clinton and Reagan), but don't vote for the opposite party of the president, just for the sake of it.
4) Take care of our veterans. They fought for our country. They deserve better than what they get now.
5) Stop spending money when we don't have it. Call me crazy, but borrowing money from China isn't exactly my idea of "fiscal responsibility", which is what the federal government should practice.
6) Impose term limits on Congress. 6 terms for House reps, and 2 for senators should do the trick.
== It starts to get less important here ==
7) Legalize weed. Tax it. The end.
8) Lower the drinking age to 18. If you're old enough to fight for our country, you're old enough to buy a beer.