303 Creative LLC vs Elenis

Huh? We operate under CMS and JC guidelines and regulations but so what? We do exactly what we plan to do 95% of the time without any issues. I don’t know what you are getting at
You don't take Medicare funds? No federal or state grant funds? No local tax breaks? None of your staff got federal or state grants or low interest loans?

If your facility receives government benefits you're not a "business", you're a leech.

EDIT: let me put it simply. Your facility, and most facilities, take government funds. Everyone that pays into the system deserves care, because that is the condition for you taking their money. You forfeit your right to run your "business" as you want when everyone is forced to pay into it. The stupid rules you defended in the instance you're talking about have no place in the discussion because what you are advocating for is a hospital getting money from someone to deny them service. In a real business, that is impossible. You can't take someone's money to render them nothing. This is not complex.
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You don't take Medicare funds? No federal or state grant funds? No local tax breaks? None of your staff got federal or state grants or low interest loans?

If your facility receives government benefits you're not a "business", you're a leech.
Lol okay. We employ 10k employees, give back to the community in several ways and charities and service 35 counties in 3 states. But yes we are a “leech” 😂😂😂
Lol okay. We employ 10k employees, give back to the community in several ways and charities and service 35 counties in 3 states. But yes we are a “leech” 😂😂😂
You can argue what you want. You're not a "business". Giving taxpayer money back to the taxpayer isn't philanthropy. Nor should you get to deny service and play by different rules while sucking off of everyone else.

Hospitals are a huge part of the problem with the American healthcare system. Huge.
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You can argue what you want. You're not a "business". Giving taxpayer money back to the taxpayer isn't philanthropy. Nor should you get to deny service and play by different rules while sucking off of everyone else.

Hospitals are a huge part of the problem with the American healthcare system. Huge.
The government is a client not our pimp lol. And we make tons of money all over the place and in several ways, we don’t give taxpayer money to anyone. And what do you mean a business shouldn’t be able to deny services lol. Crazy talk
The government is a client not our pimp lol. And we make tons of money all over the place and in several ways, we don’t give taxpayer money to anyone. And what do you mean a business shouldn’t be able to deny services lol. Crazy talk

Nope, since you can’t refuse service and are told what you will be paid the government is your pimp.
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Nope, since you can’t refuse service and are told what you will be paid the government is your pimp.
EMTALA is an industry standard but we absolutely refuse medical care to people all the time. What are you even talking about
The government is a client not our pimp lol. And we make tons of money all over the place and in several ways, we don’t give taxpayer money to anyone. And what do you mean a business shouldn’t be able to deny services lol. Crazy talk
Again, your hospital is not a business. If you are supported by any government money, you are simply a welfare recipient. Taking money from taxpayers to deny service to same taxpayers is about as socialist as you can get.

You want the cash but none of the responsibility. It's spoiled. And disgusting.
Again, your hospital is not a business. If you are supported by any government money, you are simply a welfare recipient. Taking money from taxpayers to deny service to same taxpayers is about as socialist as you can get.

You want the cash but none of the responsibility. It's spoiled. And disgusting.
You don’t understand what a business is or how it operates then
I’m saying that our interests to follow regulations align 95% of the time and when they don’t, the government doesn’t care
Then why support these hardline tactics made by these hospitals when you clearly admit that the govt doesn't care whenever you do have these 5% anomalies? Can you bring yourself to just see that having a novel virus represents a unique situation that may require deviations from the norm? You can't justify the hardline and austere tactics when you know there is room for flexibility.
Then why support these hardline tactics made by these hospitals when you clearly admit that the govt doesn't care whenever you do have these 5% anomalies? Can you bring yourself to just see that having a novel virus represents a unique situation that may require deviations from the norm? You can't justify the hardline and austere tactics when you know there is room for flexibility.
I’m saying that some Dumbass hick’s uneducated opinion who read about some random Facebook post of something he read once doesn’t supersede the doctor or hospital’s expert opinion of what to do. If the customer doesn’t like it, don’t come to the hospital for business
I’m saying that some Dumbass hick’s uneducated opinion who read about some random Facebook post of something he read once doesn’t supersede the doctor or hospital’s expert opinion of what to do. If the customer doesn’t like it, don’t come to the hospital for business
Looks like the dumbass hicks that went to Facebook are having far more success than the so-called experts with this novel virus... And you always come up with these extreme situations to justify the austere approach of treating people that are dying or given up as dead by these medical facilities. So if they have been given up for dead, what harm is there at that point to try Facebook suggested treatments? There is nothing to lose in a situation such as that.
Looks like the dumbass hicks that went to Facebook are having far more success than the so-called experts with this novel virus... And you always come up with these extreme situations to justify the austere approach of treating people that are dying or given up as dead by these medical facilities. So if they have been given up for dead, what harm is there at that point to try Facebook suggested treatments? There is nothing to lose in a situation such as that.
Who’s having more success at what? Lol and the logic behind uneducated people being able to choose some expensive or ineffective method or even one that makes thing worse over actual experts in their own field is silly. You would rather rely on conspiracy theories and ZeroHedge Ruskies to tell you they know more than doctors or lawyers or police or scientists or business owners

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