40% of the Democratic Party is anti-Semitic



Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2018
Rashida Tlaib is another face of the antisemitic left in the United States. She is the biggest Jew hater in Congress.

The left is openly calling for the death of Jews. These are the same people who claim the US is a colonial power. We are the same country that destroyed Japan and Germany in ww2. And the same country that defeated Communism in the Soviet Union. It is ironic that those who are given free speech now use it to destroy this country.
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Where is 40% coming from?

They really need to distinguish between hate for American Jews and Israeli Jews. Even the leftist Jews in the country hate the Israeli Jews.
They really need to distinguish between hate for American Jews and Israeli Jews. Even the leftist Jews in the country hate the Israeli Jews.
Are you sure it's not just Likud and their ilk, here and there, they don't like?
The left is openly calling for the death of Jews. These are the same people who claim the US is a colonial power. We are the same country that destroyed Japan and Germany in ww2. And the same country that defeated Communism in the Soviet Union. It is ironic that those who are given free speech now use it to destroy this country.

Go feed the cat, dude, or we'll have to hose you down. You know that you can write more than one sentence in a screechy post, yes? The left is not calling for the death of Jews--stop making completely idiotic statements. Seriously. l know your butt is where your brain is located, but stop pulling nonsense out of it.
Where is 40% coming from?

His butt--or the butt of some right-wing blogger. That's usually the case when MAGA posts a story from some right-wing leaflet. The facts, if there are any, never match the sensationalist headline.
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The woke left and the Muslims have combined to form a defacto coalition against Jews and Israelis in this country. This coalition is best identified by Ilhan Omar from Minnesota.

Being against the actions of the Israeli govt or criticizing Israel is not antisemitism.

Also, at what point will AIPAC need to register as a foreign agent?
Being against the actions of the Israeli govt or criticizing Israel is not antisemitism.

Also, at what point will AIPAC need to register as a foreign agent?
The Israeli government is among the most corrupt in the world, meddling and stirring up all sorts of sh*t globally. But you will 100% get called antisemitic by Bible and history illiterate evangelicals who worship Israel more than the God they claim to love.
Seeing all these signs..From the River to the Sea..yes they are calling for a single state solution.
Idiots, anti Semites, or both.
Go feed the cat, dude, or we'll have to hose you down. You know that you can write more than one sentence in a screechy post, yes? The left is not calling for the death of Jews--stop making completely idiotic statements. Seriously. l know your butt is where your brain is located, but stop pulling nonsense out of it.
If you believe Israel is a colonial power, you believe Israel has no right to exist. That is what the left believes. It is what is being preached in our universities. That makes you an anti-semite.
Raseed Talib is a virulent anti-semite. She is influencing Biden to force Israel into a ceasefire. Biden is listening to her.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) accused President Biden of supporting the “genocide” of Palestinians amid Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza, saying that Americans will remember his actions when he’s up for reelection in 2024.

If you believe "from the river to the sea is an aspirational call" you believe Israel does not have a right to exist- that makes you an anti-semite.

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Raseed Talib is a virulent anti-semite. She is influencing Biden to force Israel into a ceasefire. Biden is listening to her.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) accused President Biden of supporting the “genocide” of Palestinians amid Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza, saying that Americans will remember his actions when he’s up for reelection in 2024.

Asking for a ceasefire is antisemitic?
Asking for a ceasefire is antisemitic?

So you're still asking non genuine loaded questions? It's one sign of a possible anti-semite under the circumstances that brought Israel to the place they find themselves in.
So you're still asking non genuine loaded questions? It's one sign of a possible anti-semite under the circumstances that brought Israel to the place they find themselves in.
Considering both sides are semitic people I'd imagine calling for ceasefires preventing the death of those people is as pro-semitic as one can be.
Asking for a ceasefire is antisemitic?
Asking for a ceasefire is foolish. It plays into the hands of Israel's enemies. It helps Hamas, Iran and Russia. If you deny Israel's right to exist you are an anti-semite. It is a racist trope. The Russians are among the worst anti-semites.

By the way, do you know anything about Tennessee football?
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Asking for a ceasefire is foolish. It plays into the hands of Israel's enemies. It helps Hamas, Iran and Russia. If you deny Israel's right to exist you are an anti-semite. It is a racist trope. The Russians are among the worst anti-semites.

By the way, do you know anything about Tennessee football?

Asking for a ceasefire is about protecting the civilians in Gaza, you clown---civilians who have been dying in very large numbers because of Israeli bombs. Where comes this idea that Israel is free to kill 10,000 Palestinian civilians because militants killed 1,000 Israelis. What, you think Israel should be free to kill 30,000 innocent people in an effort to kill 200 militants? It doesn't work that way. And you want to try and claim the high ground? Get real, Earl. And what does a ceasefire have to do with being anti-semitic? Let me answer: nothing. You're just babbling.
Asking for a ceasefire is foolish. It plays into the hands of Israel's enemies. It helps Hamas, Iran and Russia. If you deny Israel's right to exist you are an anti-semite. It is a racist trope. The Russians are among the worst anti-semites.

By the way, do you know anything about Tennessee football?

Did you ever cite your source for that 40% claim?
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The democrat party is a group of socialist ideologues promoting and accepting the victim narrative for every aggrieved group du jour. You espouse and accept that Palestinians are victims of colonial assault by the aggressor state of Israel. That invalidates Israel's right to exist in their minds. Such people are anti-semites.
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The democrat party is a group of socialist ideologues promoting and accepting the victim narrative for every aggrieved group du jour. You espouse and accept that Palestinians are victims of colonial assault by the aggressor state of Israel. That invalidates Israel's right to exist in their minds. Such people are anti-semites.
Palestinians are Semites, genius. And Israelis use the victim narrative as much (if not more) than anyone else.

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