Cut is thanking Hamilton & CPF. Looking forward to working with Coach Chavis.
Said if he became another asst coach again --it would be Tenn.
Cut says he gonna work with intensity with EA. "You build QBs from the neck up.' Wants to work on fundamentals.
Cut said he's watched a lot of UT tape this year and wants to get started.
Said he knows the players quite well. He's been studying them as they run routes & etc.
We moved back here because it was home and did not want to stay in Oxford.
Said he's been concern about his good friend Randy Sanders.
Said he's still hard-headed and intense about the way he coaches. "They're (players) gonna do it the way we want it done".
"The nucleus to get the off' back on track is here. A lot of it is about TEAM ATTITUDE."
He hopes to get a stablizing effect back on track before signing day.
There's gonna be a mission statement re the offense--what we want to get done. Everyone on the o, is starting at zero. You gotta prove yourself.
UT Sports