5 Star MSU Signee Jeffery Simmons To Face Charges (Update: one game suspension)

So, we're catching heat despite immediately indefinitely suspending players for accusations ....two of which have either been completely (Pearson) or partially (Alexis Johnson) "exonerated" soon thereafter. But not a freaking peep of criticism for Mullen and Mississippi State for admitting and then suspending for one game a kid caught on tape physically beating a female. For crying out loud.
So, we're catching heat despite immediately indefinitely suspending players for accusations ....two of which have either been completely (Pearson) or partially (Alexis Johnson) "exonerated" soon thereafter. But not a freaking peep of criticism for Mullen and Mississippi State for admitting and then suspending for one game a kid caught on tape physically beating a female. For crying out loud.

My first thought was Paulk.
So, we're catching heat despite immediately indefinitely suspending players for accusations ....two of which have either been completely (Pearson) or partially (Alexis Johnson) "exonerated" soon thereafter. But not a freaking peep of criticism for Mullen and Mississippi State for admitting and then suspending for one game a kid caught on tape physically beating a female. For crying out loud.

We're catching heat because our head coach has been accused of calling a player a traitor for reporting a rape. That is a hell of a thing to be out there. That's the only thing anyone outside of Knoxville is going to be interested in.

I expect there will be plenty of criticism for Mullen coming too.
It's unbelievable his punishment was only one game. Incredible.

Mullen must be getting desperate.

We're catching heat because our head coach has been accused of calling a player a traitor for reporting a rape. That is a hell of a thing to be out there. That's the only thing anyone outside of Knoxville is going to be interested in.

I expect there will be plenty of criticism for Mullen coming too.

we won't be able to hear the criticism over those God forsaken COWBELLS.

I HATE those cowbells
What a sham. 1 game versus South Alabama? Are you kidding me??? Mullen really doing his best Urban impersonation.
We catch heat because of the idiotic people at the top of the food chain at UT. If the right people are hired, which apparently may happen in the near future (years too late to help the current legal situation), the likelihood for catching serious heat declines significantly. They make changes in the MO of the school as well as the culture. It is ingrained in some college cultures to do like Mullen and Meyer. Butch has been recruiting high character guys, which has strongly reduced the number of bad incidents.

FWIW the Title IX lawsuit is just a money grab. UT is statistically far better in regards to the issue than all of the D-1 schools in the state and one of the best in the SEC. Vandy looks like snake pit in comparison. Improvements can be made, but the lawsuit is bogus.
We're catching heat because our head coach has been accused of calling a player a traitor for reporting a rape. That is a hell of a thing to be out there. That's the only thing anyone outside of Knoxville is going to be interested in.

I expect there will be plenty of criticism for Mullen coming too.

That's certainly part of it, despite there being no evidence that Jones ever actually did that.....not to mention the fact that the former player in question also completely changed his story 180 degrees in order to make the accusation vs Butch.

Bottom line is, it would take two seconds to see that Jones has handled his business with swift action against his players after accusations alone...no video evidence needed. Paulk was accused of hitting a female and was immediately suspended....AJ and Williams were accused of rape and were immediately suspended.... Pearson, despite never being charged with anything, was bogusly accused and was immediately suspended.....and Alexis Johnson was accused (and now has pretty much been exonerated) and was immediately suspended and remains so.

The difference between how Tennessee's head coach handled his situations and how Baylor's handled his....and how Mississippi State's seems to have handled his....and even how Alabama's appears to be currently handling his....is dramatically different IMO.
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Yup we would be crucified if that happened here. More double standards
That's certainly part of it, despite there being no evidence that Jones ever actually did that.....not to mention the fact that the former player in question also completely changed his story 180 degrees in order to make the accusation vs Butch.

Bottom line is, it would take two seconds to see that Jones has handled his business with swift action against his players after accusations alone...no video evidence needed. Paulk was accused of hitting a female and was immediately suspended....AJ and Williams were accused of rape and were immediately suspended.... Pearson, despite never being charged with anything, was bogusly accused and was immediately suspended.....and Alexis Johnson was accused (and now has pretty much been exonerated) and was immediately suspended and remains so.

The difference between how Tennessee's head coach handled his situations and how Baylor's handled his....and how Mississippi State's seems to have handled his....and even how Alabama's appears to be currently handling his....is dramatically different IMO.

I don't disagree at all, but of course I'm also a Tennessee fan who follows this stuff obsessively. I've just come to grudgingly accept that nobody other than us is accept to take that two seconds to look into it.

The "traitor" accusation is so particularly radioactive that it's probably never going to go away, even if Tennessee eventually wins in court. You know how this works. Look at how our own fans treat accusations against other teams' players and coaches. It's all true and they're all cheaters and liars, right?
I don't disagree at all, but of course I'm also a Tennessee fan who follows this stuff obsessively. I've just come to grudgingly accept that nobody other than us is accept to take that two seconds to look into it.

The "traitor" accusation is so particularly radioactive that it's probably never going to go away, even if Tennessee eventually wins in court. You know how this works. Look at how our own fans treat accusations against other teams' players and coaches. It's all true and they're all cheaters and liars, right?

Well said. Perception vs reality with a dash of bias is typically what happens. I will say that it's sad IMHO to see "professional" media be anything but.
I wouldn't want that piece of waste on the team I follow.

What in the hell are these young men thinking these days!? If I was coach Mullen, his bags would have been packed and waiting for him outside the campus entrance. Its really disturbing to see the actions of some of these young men these days. Its unbelievable seeing all these sexual assualts, and domestic violence towards women in college FB and the NFL. There seems to be no honor in some of these young men anymore. The one game suspension handed down by coach Mullen and the AD is down right pathetic!
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Right now Dan Mullen is saying...."Nothing to see here, everybody move on...swift justice was served"
Right now Dan Mullen is saying...."Nothing to see here, everybody move on...swift justice was served"

Apparently not what the SEC is saying though:

SEC 'aware' of, not 'comfortable' with MSU ruling - Columbia Daily Tribune | Columbia Missouri: Sports

SEC Commissioner Greg Sankey on Friday disputed the characterization by Mississippi State Athletic Director Scott Stricklin of the league office being “comfortable” with the university’s decision to allow Jeffery Simmons to enroll and play football for the Bulldogs.

“I would say awareness and comfort are two different things,” Sankey said. “It is an institutional decision. The characterization of comfort with” Mississippi State’s “decision is not a characterization I would provide.”
I don't disagree at all, but of course I'm also a Tennessee fan who follows this stuff obsessively. I've just come to grudgingly accept that nobody other than us is accept to take that two seconds to look into it.

The "traitor" accusation is so particularly radioactive that it's probably never going to go away, even if Tennessee eventually wins in court. You know how this works. Look at how our own fans treat accusations against other teams' players and coaches. It's all true and they're all cheaters and liars, right?

Why did the "traitor" stick around for a whole semester if it was so bad? We had a kid leave because of cursing, and others leave with starts and significant play time. Yet this bench rider was able to ride out a semester of being a "traitor" in the locker room? I agree you have to know about that side of it to see the bs. But it's there

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