69 days of sports boredom



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
Its sad that there is such a big gap between basketball and football. I really wish baseball was more exciting! What are some entertaining sporting events between now and kickoff? I really can't wait until day 69 rolls around!!!! GBO!
first off, baseball is amazing.

You also have tennis' Wimbledon, golf's British Open and PGA Championship, The Olympics and soccer's Euro is going on right now.

Football sucks. Most boring sport on this side of soccer.

Is this real??

Is this a legit comment??

MLB is a joke league. As bad as the NBA is on calling even games(refs in prison), MLB umps are equally bad. On top of the bad umping, 6 of the top 8 playoff teams are usually within the top 10 payroll(on average). That alone makes the sport a joke. And that's on top of bad umping.

I want to believe you're being sarcastic but I don't think you are. Truly disturbing if you think MLB is a legit league. Especially if you own a business. --- Let me sink your business into the ground by offering the same service with quadruple your payroll. Good luck surviving.

Again, I think you're being sarcastic. Otherwise... stupid. Football(NFL/NCAA), Basketball(NBA/NCAA), Baseball(MLB).... nobody cares. That's the pecking order. If I had to choose another sport to follow after that, NHL. Soccer will never be an American sport and neither will college baseball.
Again, I hope you're being sarcastic.

If you think baseball is more important than UT football, troll.

Any league without a salary cap is useless, and college baseball isn't shown on TV for a reason. You're flat out trolling if you care more about baseball.
Most people that don't like baseball either hail from socialist countries or were exposed to lead paint as children and tend to eat boogers.
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Is this real??

Is this a legit comment??

MLB is a joke league. As bad as the NBA is on calling even games(refs in prison), MLB umps are equally bad. On top of the bad umping, 6 of the top 8 playoff teams are usually within the top 10 payroll(on average). That alone makes the sport a joke. And that's on top of bad umping.

I want to believe you're being sarcastic but I don't think you are. Truly disturbing if you think MLB is a legit league. Especially if you own a business. --- Let me sink your business into the ground by offering the same service with quadruple your payroll. Good luck surviving.

Again, I think you're being sarcastic. Otherwise... stupid. Football(NFL/NCAA), Basketball(NBA/NCAA), Baseball(MLB).... nobody cares. That's the pecking order. If I had to choose another sport to follow after that, NHL. Soccer will never be an American sport and neither will college baseball.

Did you get cut from the high school baseball team or something? Dang son, calm down.
Is this real??

Is this a legit comment??

MLB is a joke league. As bad as the NBA is on calling even games(refs in prison), MLB umps are equally bad. On top of the bad umping, 6 of the top 8 playoff teams are usually within the top 10 payroll(on average). That alone makes the sport a joke. And that's on top of bad umping.

I want to believe you're being sarcastic but I don't think you are. Truly disturbing if you think MLB is a legit league. Especially if you own a business. --- Let me sink your business into the ground by offering the same service with quadruple your payroll. Good luck surviving.

Again, I think you're being sarcastic. Otherwise... stupid. Football(NFL/NCAA), Basketball(NBA/NCAA), Baseball(MLB).... nobody cares. That's the pecking order. If I had to choose another sport to follow after that, NHL. Soccer will never be an American sport and neither will college baseball.

Somebody has problems with opinions.

That'd be you.
Again, I hope you're being sarcastic.

If you think baseball is more important than UT football, troll.

Any league without a salary cap is useless, and college baseball isn't shown on TV for a reason. You're flat out trolling if you care more about baseball.

Baseball in general is more important to more people than UT football. Not sure why this comparison is being made.

Also the NBA sucks.
now that is boring zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Say that to my face!!


I am a real tough guy.
Someone's got anger issues ITT...

Anyway, I would suggest the Euro tournament but if you were the type that enjoys watching soccer you'd already be watching it.
Say that to my face!!


I am a real tough guy.

I am ok with boxing - Nascar is boring on TV - tell me something - anything exciting about watching cars go around a track 200 or more times
Most people that don't like baseball either hail from socialist countries or were exposed to lead paint as children and tend to eat boogers.

Ha. I enjoy baseball, I just don't watch much the first couple months of the season, as long as it is. The season is hitting full stride now though.

For me, baseball, euro tournament, Olympics, formula one and mls are more than enough.
Olympic summers tend to be far more bearable. Baseball just has too many games. I can't make myself care about game 79 of an 162 game season. I do enjoy soccer. The last World Cup made for a good summer. Trying to keep up with the Euros and the WNBA just to keep the edge off. Can't wait for football
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Olympic summers tend to be far more bearable. Baseball just has too many games. I can't make myself care about game 79 of an 162 game season. I do enjoy soccer. The last World Cup made for a good summer. Trying to keep up with the Euros and the WNBA just to keep the edge off. Can't wait for football
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Did you seriously talk about how monotonous the baseball season was and then talk about following the WNBA in the same post??
Did you seriously talk about how monotonous the baseball season was and then talk about following the WNBA in the same post??
Hey don't knock the WNBA its pretty good basketball. Just watch the games if there happens to be one on. Plus I like to see how LVs are doing.
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I'll give it a shot

Never really caught a full cfl game

I've always thought it was a pretty cool twist on football. A bigger field, only 3 downs, an extra player, a man in motion toward the LOS, monstrous endzones, punters able to score points . . . It's like something developed by a 12 year old, but entertaining.

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