A lot of things are going to have to happen for the Dawgs to get back in this. Maybe some lucky turnovers on D, and ride Chubb the rest of the game. Lambert is nowhere good enough to throw the Dawgs back into it.
I just can't figure out, why the Dawgs got away from their bread and butter running the ball. The heats going to really turn up on Richt after this showing.
Haha. We will battle team for the most physical 4 quarters they see all year and we have a good chance to beat them. It's The Third Saturday in October, greatest rivalry in football. It won't be pleasant for them.
It seems like GA always has a game like this before they play us. Then come game day, the Dawgs look better and someone has their coming out party at our expense
Why? It helps us a lot more if UGA losses. We recruiting head to head with UGA for more recruits. I hate Bama as much as anyone but we need them to win.