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Face it you obama defenders, he is a liar and the truth is not in him, same goes for holder.
The sad thing is that only 21 senators had either the intelligence or the backbone to vote not to confirm the terrorist friendly, nazi wanna be gun grabber, holder to the post of AG.
In Reality, Nearly Ninety Percent of Mexican Cartel Weapons DON'T Come From U.S.
Bottom line is that less that 5% of the weapons recovered from crime cartel members come from the US and those aren't the more serious of the weapons used by those thugs.
* Obama voted to allow reckless lawsuits designed to bankrupt the firearms industry.
* Barack Obama wants to re-impose the failed and discredited Clinton Gun Ban.
* He voted to ban almost all rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.
* He has endorsed a complete ban on handgun ownership.
* Obama also supports local gun bans in Chicago and other cities.
* Obama voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people who use firearms in self-defense.
* Obama opposes Right to Carry laws.
* Obama supported a proposal to ban gun stores within 5 miles of a school or park, which would eliminate almost every gun store in America.
* Obama favors a ban on standard capacity magazines.
* Obama supports mandatory micro-stamping, one-gun-a-month sales restrictions, a ban on inexpensive handguns, gun owner licensing and gun registration, and mandatory waiting periods.
* Obama supports a ban on the resale of police issued firearms, even if the money is going to police departments for replacement equipment.
On top of all that, Obama was a director at an organization that worked mightily to make the Heller decision go the wrong way. They almost succeeded.
Obama was a member of the Board of Directors of the Joyce Foundation, the leading source of funds for anti-gun organizations and research.
The Foundation engaged in the law-review equivalent of push-polling:
The plans objective was bold: the judicial obliteration of the Second Amendment.
Joyces directors found a vulnerable point. When judges cannot rely upon past decisions, they sometimes turn to law review articles. Law reviews are impartial, and famed for meticulous cite-checking. They are also produced on a shoestring. Authors of articles receive no compensation; editors are law students who work for a tiny stipend.
In 1999, midway through Obamas tenure, the Joyce board voted to grant the Chicago-Kent Law Review $84,000, a staggering sum by law review standards. The Review promptly published an issue in which all articles attacked the individual right view of the Second Amendment.
(The Review) solicited only articles hostile to the individual right view of the Second Amendment. .. Joyce had bought a veto power over the reviews content.
.. The plan worked smoothly. One court, in the course of ruling that there was no individual right to arms, cited the Chicago-Kent articles eight times.
.. The Joyce Foundation board (which still included Obama) .. expand(ed) its attack on the Second Amendment. Its next move came when Ohio State University announced it was establishing the Second Amendment Research Center as a thinktank headed by anti-individual-right historian Saul Cornell. Joyce put up no less than $400,000 to bankroll its creation.
.. The Center proceeded to generate articles denying the individual right to arms.
.. The Joyce directorates plan almost succeeded. The individual rights view won out in the Heller Supreme Court appeal, but only by 5-4. The four dissenters were persuaded in part by Joyce-funded writings, down to relying on an article which misled them on critical historical documents.
Another lie promoted by the nazi mongering democrat party, some rinos and this utterly corrupt regime in the executive branch is they want to take our guns from us to protect us from ourselves.
Guess what? That bit of pure BS doesn't wash either.
The Massachusetts legislature drastically changed the gun laws in 1998, enacting draconian controls, prompting gun control advocates to proclaim Massachusetts as being tied with Connecticut in third place among the states with the strongest gun laws.
According to the States own reporting systems in the four years prior to the passage of Chapter 180, when that time there were nearly 1,500,000 licensed gun owners, the following results were reported:
A 57% DECREASE in firearm related assaults in the four years prior to the 1998 laws.
From 1994 to 1997, a 50% DECREASE in homicide related firearm deaths prior to the 1998 laws taking affect.
In the decade since these laws were passed, firearm-related crime has increased dramatically.
Gun-related deaths alone have increased by 68%, and gun-related assault injuries have increased by 72%.
Emergency room visits due to gun-related assaults have increased by a whopping 222%.
Meanwhile, during the same ten year period, the number of lawfully licensed gun owners declined by over 80% and stands at an all time low of less than 240,000.
By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood,
And fired the shot heard round the world.
I submit that perhaps Obama was wrong is his assessment of the reasons why Americans may cling to their guns and their religion!!
What happened to those unarmed citizens who couldn't defend themselves against his political cronies in Kenya???
I'll tell you what happened, those who couldn't run fast enough were hacked to death or burned alive to satisfy the lust for power of obama's political pals.
The sad thing is that only 21 senators had either the intelligence or the backbone to vote not to confirm the terrorist friendly, nazi wanna be gun grabber, holder to the post of AG.
In Reality, Nearly Ninety Percent of Mexican Cartel Weapons DON'T Come From U.S.
Bottom line is that less that 5% of the weapons recovered from crime cartel members come from the US and those aren't the more serious of the weapons used by those thugs.
* Obama voted to allow reckless lawsuits designed to bankrupt the firearms industry.
* Barack Obama wants to re-impose the failed and discredited Clinton Gun Ban.
* He voted to ban almost all rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.
* He has endorsed a complete ban on handgun ownership.
* Obama also supports local gun bans in Chicago and other cities.
* Obama voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people who use firearms in self-defense.
* Obama opposes Right to Carry laws.
* Obama supported a proposal to ban gun stores within 5 miles of a school or park, which would eliminate almost every gun store in America.
* Obama favors a ban on standard capacity magazines.
* Obama supports mandatory micro-stamping, one-gun-a-month sales restrictions, a ban on inexpensive handguns, gun owner licensing and gun registration, and mandatory waiting periods.
* Obama supports a ban on the resale of police issued firearms, even if the money is going to police departments for replacement equipment.
On top of all that, Obama was a director at an organization that worked mightily to make the Heller decision go the wrong way. They almost succeeded.
Obama was a member of the Board of Directors of the Joyce Foundation, the leading source of funds for anti-gun organizations and research.
The Foundation engaged in the law-review equivalent of push-polling:
The plans objective was bold: the judicial obliteration of the Second Amendment.
Joyces directors found a vulnerable point. When judges cannot rely upon past decisions, they sometimes turn to law review articles. Law reviews are impartial, and famed for meticulous cite-checking. They are also produced on a shoestring. Authors of articles receive no compensation; editors are law students who work for a tiny stipend.
In 1999, midway through Obamas tenure, the Joyce board voted to grant the Chicago-Kent Law Review $84,000, a staggering sum by law review standards. The Review promptly published an issue in which all articles attacked the individual right view of the Second Amendment.
(The Review) solicited only articles hostile to the individual right view of the Second Amendment. .. Joyce had bought a veto power over the reviews content.
.. The plan worked smoothly. One court, in the course of ruling that there was no individual right to arms, cited the Chicago-Kent articles eight times.
.. The Joyce Foundation board (which still included Obama) .. expand(ed) its attack on the Second Amendment. Its next move came when Ohio State University announced it was establishing the Second Amendment Research Center as a thinktank headed by anti-individual-right historian Saul Cornell. Joyce put up no less than $400,000 to bankroll its creation.
.. The Center proceeded to generate articles denying the individual right to arms.
.. The Joyce directorates plan almost succeeded. The individual rights view won out in the Heller Supreme Court appeal, but only by 5-4. The four dissenters were persuaded in part by Joyce-funded writings, down to relying on an article which misled them on critical historical documents.
Another lie promoted by the nazi mongering democrat party, some rinos and this utterly corrupt regime in the executive branch is they want to take our guns from us to protect us from ourselves.
Guess what? That bit of pure BS doesn't wash either.
The Massachusetts legislature drastically changed the gun laws in 1998, enacting draconian controls, prompting gun control advocates to proclaim Massachusetts as being tied with Connecticut in third place among the states with the strongest gun laws.
According to the States own reporting systems in the four years prior to the passage of Chapter 180, when that time there were nearly 1,500,000 licensed gun owners, the following results were reported:
A 57% DECREASE in firearm related assaults in the four years prior to the 1998 laws.
From 1994 to 1997, a 50% DECREASE in homicide related firearm deaths prior to the 1998 laws taking affect.
In the decade since these laws were passed, firearm-related crime has increased dramatically.
Gun-related deaths alone have increased by 68%, and gun-related assault injuries have increased by 72%.
Emergency room visits due to gun-related assaults have increased by a whopping 222%.
Meanwhile, during the same ten year period, the number of lawfully licensed gun owners declined by over 80% and stands at an all time low of less than 240,000.

By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood,
And fired the shot heard round the world.
I submit that perhaps Obama was wrong is his assessment of the reasons why Americans may cling to their guns and their religion!!
What happened to those unarmed citizens who couldn't defend themselves against his political cronies in Kenya???
I'll tell you what happened, those who couldn't run fast enough were hacked to death or burned alive to satisfy the lust for power of obama's political pals.