Yeah... Forget that he was re-elected in a landslide and by the time his tenure in Utah was done, Forbes said Utah was the best state in the nation for business. He made a couple positive comments about Obama, so it's all a lie.
Forget that Huntsman donated $5,000 to the
reelection campaign of Harry Reid.
Forget that there were more reporters than
supporters at his press release announcing his
The NLRB is proposing rules that would drastically
shorten the time period workers have to consider
a vote to join a union. I'm surprised they're not
requiring Jimmy Carter to come in and monitor the
voting, too.
Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod said that
it's still "cool to be an Obama supporter". First rule
of cool, David: if you have to tell people how cool
it still is, it's not cool anymore.
Michelle Obama said that "Barack has a mind like a
steel trap". I guess memories of his campaign promises
must've chewed their legs off and escaped.