A.J. Johnson Staying? (Unconfirmed)

I want to see an official announcement before I get excited that he's returning.

IMO if he goes to the NFL now he will lose himself loads of 1st contract money so it wouldn't be a smart move by him.

I hope he's getting serious, Honest advice.

4th or 5th round is about what he's worth at this point. I think a team would be getting a good deal if they could pick him up in the 5th round. A few seasons under a NFL coach and he should be starting. However, that's him losing out on quite a bit of signing bonus. For example, Justin Hunter, who was drafted in the 2nd round, got a $2,324,000 signing bonus. Earl Wolff (DB - Eagles), who was drafted in the 5th round, got a $212,000 signing bonus.
There is a BIG dropoff in pay after the top 10-15 in the 1st Rd. Chris Johnson was drafted by the Titans at 24 in the 1st Rd. Adrian Peterson was in the top 5-10. Peterson was getting paid about $7mill/yr vs CJ making roughly 1-2mill/yr.

To make matters worse, they now have the rookie salary cap. They are going to be stuck with a relatively weak salary (compared to veterans) for their first 4-5yrs...if they make it that long.

That's why it's a worthwhile investment to sharpen your game as much as possible before heading into the league. 1yr can make them millions more over that 4-5yr contract. If they just rush in, Tyler Bray style (he went undrafted), they really stand to regret it.

I think Tiny, too could have benefited greatly from another year. NFL teams tend to view players from losing teams in a different light than those of winning/successful ones. Sometimes that stigma alone can mean the difference between a round or three.

Most of these guys want money now. Most come from areas where they have not had a lot of $$$ and getting into the NFL has been their dream. If they can sign a contract now, they will have achieved their goal.
Most of these guys want money now. Most come from areas where they have not had a lot of $$$ and getting into the NFL has been their dream. If they can sign a contract now, they will have achieved their goal.

Yes, the higher you are drafted the higher the sign-on bonus. In other words, you get most of your contract instantly. The later rounds get $2-3 million contracts stretched over 4 years and "only" $200,000-300,000 signing bonus.

CP got $3,631,672 instantly transferred to his bank account after signing on the dotted line.
I like Johnson but he runs like he has clown shoes on. He is to slow to ever make it in the NFL as a linebacker.
Need to improve coverage skills. Any receiver on a linebacker is generally a good match up. Just stopping the YAC would be worth a bunch. Eric Westmoreland One of the best cover linebackers I remember seeing. Too bad about his problems.
AJ is down to what, 12 days left to declare????

Anybody have an over/under??


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