A&M Fans Have Lost Their 'Howdy'

Have a friend in Omaha, now, and A & M has been known to be friendly and their slogan has been "Howdy!" He says their fans are really bad. Has seen everything from walking by them and they start a weird A&M chant at him, give him dirty looks everywhere and not one has yet struck up a friendly conversation with him. On another board they commented how a Vol fan got one of them back when one asked very smartly, "What's a Vol anyway?" The answer was epic, "If it wasn't for the Vols your school would be Mexico A&M!" As usual the Omaha folks are very friendly and many says they are pulling for Tennessee.

A&M’s isn’t a fan base, it’s a cult. Those people are WEIRD.
A&M fans can be strange, but they’re still better than Georgia or Florida crap.

What really sucks is how our team just decided to not show up tonight. Sloppy play defensively. Pitching is sub-par . . . and, of course, our bats go cold at the worst time. Our guys weren’t ready, and it shows.

Gotta hand it to the Aggies. They are kicking the crap out of our guys. Truly disappointing.
No fans are as bad as Georgia fans. I will never pull for Georgia to win any sports event , regardless of who they play because of their fan base.

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