Bammers are happy and boastful and filled with joy
But soon old saint nick will leave for a new toy.
Tears will be shed, Beers will be drank, fans will be buzzin'
The only pleasure Bammers will get is from their own cousin.
Bammers are happy and boastful and filled with joy
But soon old saint nick will leave for a new toy.
Tears will be shed, Beers will be drank, fans will be buzzin'
The only pleasure Bammers will get is from their own cousin.
Bammers are happy and boastful and filled with joy
But soon old saint nick will leave for a new toy.
Tears will be shed, Beers will be drank, fans will be buzzin'
The only pleasure Bammers will get is from their own cousin.known to be a skank.
bammers sitting around a bond fire,
drinking beer and getting higher.
they need a new coach and a set of nobby tires.
they are asking themselves oh,why did he leave.
he got a big raise and full control of the team.
now they lay down in a drunken stooper.
cursing and mumbling before they all fall to sleep.
bob looks over at jeb and says,
hey maybe now we can get trooper..
Without Saban, Alabama is a ****hole. Oh wait, with Saban it's still a ****hole. I have been in all 50 states. Enjoyed life in all but one. Mexibama. For all you good Vol fans that are subjected to life in that 4th world country, introduce those inbreds to a little thing called a book. They won't understand but the puzzled look on their acne covered bad piss colored complexion would be priceless. If they still don't understand what a book is, just smack them with it. Still priceless.