Hey indyvol I posted this like 4 days ago in responce to some guy siimilar to you was telling us all how to act and ratiionalizing everything and clapping with his head set under his arm....any way here it is... you really need to read it
There isn't anyone on here thats 100% pessimistic.
Everyone here (besides opposing fans) has the same goal. To see their Vols win.
People act differently to that. Like after the LSU loss some say "Hey they were a better team, it's not that bad we lost" while others say "The chance was there to win, and here's where we lost it"
You have your fans that are just happy if Tennessee shows up on Saturday and play for their entertainment then you have the ones that want Tennessee to rip the head off of anyone the even steps on the field with them, even if they are a better team.
Then you have your ones that will rationalize a loss, then the ones that will maybe jump at conclusions and blame everyone on the team even the water boys for the loss.
If everyone in this place came in here after LSU and we had a big "Moral Victory" lovefest just because we went 5-6 last year. Then I wouldn't come here.
We lost because there are things in either our talent, coaching, scheme, etc.... that wasn't as good as the other teams. Just because people come here and point them out doesn't make them pessimistic, it makes them fans.
Me personally I'll come here and point things out, I will do my fair share of moaning about things, but It doesn't mean I'm pessimistic or see the reality that we are a good team and should be very proud this year. I don't think anyone here is ashamed of Tennessee this year. Is there some that think we should be 9-0, Hell Yes and I'm one of them, am I mad we're not, No. Will I point of why we're not 9-0, you better friggin believe it.
Everyone's heard the saying that if everyone was the same this world would be boring, same thing applies here. If people quit "whinning" or questioning things about a team that were so dedicated to that we come here and talk to people we don't even know about then it would be boring. If there's one thing I hate it's a big lovefest in a thread where there are 50 people agreeing on a subject.