Fox can't report on Trump because, well, even they know he's an embarrassment and his Presidency is a complete train wreck so they simply resort to reporting on the Clinton's and other silly conspiracy theories in an effort to prop Trump up with his supporters (they are easily fooled). I never thought Fox could actually get worse than they were but since Trump was elected they've lowered the bar even further. They now reside down in the National Enquirer category of news.
My response to your misunderstanding of a Train Wreck.
Neil Gorsuchs confirmation to the Supreme Court
Judicial appointments
Tax reform
Economic Boom - Money is Coming back to the States and Businesses are expanding
Deregulation - Biggest factor in Economy Booming
DOW Jones Index: 26,071.72
Black Unemployment: Lowest in Decades
ObummerCare Individual mandate repeal
Kicking the Hell out of ISIS - Rules of Engagement was changed and now our Soldiers can kick ass.
Recognition of Jerusalem as Capitol of Israel
Withdrawal from Paris climate agreement - Did nothing for US except cost lots of money. Have you seen the record low temps lately? Trump did that.
Pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Repeal Obamas net neutrality rules - Users have not suffered at all since. Just a DemoRat ploy to control the Internet.
That's just his first year. Most of it is correcting the damage Obummer and the DEMs did.