Aaron Hernandez Dead

Is this in poor taste? Sure, but he was a cold blooded killer that did the would a favor by offing himself imo. The man was a psychopath plan and simple.
Is this in poor taste? Sure, but he was a cold blooded killer that did the would a favor by offing himself imo. The man was a psychopath plan and simple.

But it's not just about Aaron Hernandez. There's a family that already dealt with a lot from him, this is just piling on. There's a little girl that's going to have these pathetic memes as her memory of her dad.

(I will admit I'm a little biased due to how many fellow Soldiers I've known take their own lives. Suicide is never a good answer for me. It's sad that someone had became so detached they view it as the viable alternative)
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I love how the media is saying they feel sorry for the Hernandez family and how his daughter will grow up without a father. It's ridiculous. He made that choice when he killed Odin Lloyd and was sentenced to life in prison without parole.

Yeah **** his daughter and family. They're guilty by association!
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But it's not just about Aaron Hernandez. There's a family that already dealt with a lot from him, this is just piling on. There's a little girl that's going to have these pathetic memes as her memory of her dad.

(I will admit I'm a little biased due to how many fellow Soldiers I've known take their own lives. Suicide is never a good answer for me. It's sad that someone had became so detached they view it as the viable alternative)

a yes the evil memes. lets just ignore the murder.
a yes the evil memes. lets just ignore the murder.

You can despise his actions without being a douche about how you handle what he did. Mind blowing concept I know. It's funny, actually read my full post and you can see I never ignored his actions
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He has been in prison her whole life so she did not have much of a relationship with him. She has never had her father except for weekend visitation and probably did not know him very well. Maybe her mom will find someone else to take his place who is not a murderer.
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more like too late since it was posted by ho.

Suicide is never funny, nor is it an answer for any reason, not even here. More heartache and grief for his family and more questions than answers for so many loose ends.

No, but I have seen a few failed attempts at it that made me chuckle.
If you're trying to use this awful event as ammo against UF fans, you seriously need to re-evaluate your position. This is much bigger than football. It's not about Urban or the University of Florida. It's about 3 people who are no longer on this Earth by no choice of their own and a young girl who will never again see her father.


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But it's not just about Aaron Hernandez. There's a family that already dealt with a lot from him, this is just piling on. There's a little girl that's going to have these pathetic memes as her memory of her dad.

(I will admit I'm a little biased due to how many fellow Soldiers I've known take their own lives. Suicide is never a good answer for me. It's sad that someone had became so detached they view it as the viable alternative)

There is a big difference in committing suicide due to PTSD or battlefield trauma as opposed to committing suicide because you're a cold blooded murdering psychopath who will never breathe free air again.

Poo pooing the memes kind of ignores the fact that her dad murdered at least 3 people over nothing and did who knows what else. That may be harder to deal with than a picture.
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There is a big difference in committing suicide due to PTSD or battlefield trauma as opposed to committing suicide because you're a cold blooded murdering psychopath who will never breathe free air again.

Poo pooing the memes kind of ignores the fact that her dad murdered at least 3 people over nothing and did who knows what else. That may be harder to deal with than a picture.

Just because he did despicable things doesn't warrant you making and/or posting some ridiculously unclassy and distasteful meme. Pretending like what he did gives you the right to be trashy is a rather interesting road to walk down.
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Newsweek alleges that Hernandez had a long-term relationship with a former male high school classmate, the details of which he was willing to keep private at all costs.

After Odin Lloyd called Hernandez a “schmoocher,” and made other comments about his sexuality, Hernandez began to fear that Lloyd would pass that information along to his wife, who was the sister of the former Gator star’s fiance.

Other court documents seem to back this up, as Hernandez’s estate was spread across three different accounts following his death: one for his fiance, one for his daughter, and a third, the largest, for that former high school classmate.

This guy was a convicted killer. I don't understand why anyone cares about his life? Good riddance, the world is a better place without him.
This guy was a convicted killer. I don't understand why anyone cares about his life? Good riddance, the world is a better place without him.

Wait what? So you've never watched a show, documentary, or read a book about a convicted killer?
Wait what? So you've never watched a show, documentary, or read a book about a convicted killer?

Not that I remember. I don't relate to people like that and don't care about their hardships in life before they kill someone.

eta: I did watch a re-run of "Sling Blade" they other day. Does that count?
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I don't live that hood life, but I know about that life. I know people like my dad, Tony Harris and people like them and how they talk and how they think. There is an expression they say that goes "happier than a punk in jail", meaning that odds are, there is no other place that could make a homosexual more content than to be locked up 24/7 with a bunch of other men. So with that in mind, does it really make sense for a person of that persuasion to commit suicide under those conditions? Forget about the fact that he had just beaten 2 murder charges several days before. And forget the fact that he had one of the hottest lawyers in the game working on his appeal for the first murder charge.

Seems fishy...
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This story has definitely taken some very unexpected turns. At least unexpected in what I thought.

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